Snowman (Michael)

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A/n~ this is one of the pictures I took from last Wednesday 😍

It was finally snowing outside and you couldn't wait to go play in it. You dressed warmly and went outside to work on your snowman. You were on the third part and were struggling to lift it. "Need some help?" You look over and see your neighbor Michael. "Really? That would be great!" You say. He smiles and comes over to help. "Let's decorate him!" You laugh. He laughs along and helps. You were adding the scarf when you felt yourself getting hit by a snowball. You turn and glare at Michael. He was looking around like he had no idea. "Oh it's on!" You yell. You pick up snow and throw it at him. You and him threw snow back and forth for a while before Michael finally surrendered. "Okay okay. Now that I'm as cold as frost over there I'm done." He says. "Okay we can go inside after we make snow angels!" You say plopping down in the snow. You spread out your arms and legs and begin to make a snow angel. You stand up and cheer, proud of yourself that it turned out so well. You laugh at Michael who was struggling. You tried to tell him how and after whining about it being cold he stood up and pouted. "It looks like a giant circle." "Let's just say it was an ornament and you make me some hot chocolate no one has to know." You say shrugging. "Alright deal. And for the record I so won that snowball fight." He says. "I don't know what you're talking about." You say laughing. You go inside and sit down at his table while he makes the drink. He brings it out and smiles. "At least I can't mess this up." He laughs. "I wouldn't talk so fast." You say laughing. He rolls his eyes playfully. "I wouldn't drink so fast either." You shake your head at him as you watch him take a big drink of his hot drink. He sets it down immediately and tries to cool off his tongue. You couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous he looked. "All because of a snowman." He mumbles.

It's not even snowing here 😭 I'm excited that I get to update my other stories soon! (Hopefully) I think I might make a schedule so that way people know when to expect them and then maybe I actually get around to doing it 😂 happy reading. Xx

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