Silence. (Luke)

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It's 3 am and neither one of you could sleep. You glance over at Luke who was staring up at your ceiling with his arms folded behind his head. You shift over so you're closer to his side and he wraps one arm around you. Neither one of you spoke, and you didn't need to. You are at point in the relationship that the silences are more comforting then they are awkward. Almost every night you both lay there thinking about anything and everything. He breaks the silence by clearing his throat. "I think" He pauses. "I think I love you." He whispers. You look up at him. "Okay." You whisper. It goes back to the silence. You know deep down you love him to but they're aren't words yet that describe the exact feeling you have for him. As you fall asleep your last thoughts are consumed by all the possible words you could use to describe your love for him.

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