Cold Outside (Luke)

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Daddy!Luke would be the type of dad to get the kids dressed up and demand them to make snow angels and snowmen even though you told him twice already that it was way to cold outside even with hats and gloves and they were all going to get sick and he'd argue and tell you that hot cocoa and Christmas movies cure any sickness and what do you know a week later your kids and Luke are all huddled up under a mass a blankets and used tissues because they all have colds and runny noses and all you can hear is constant sniffles and coughs with some Christmas movie playing the back ground but you know you'd never change it for the world.

I might start doing them like this bc I I think little ones like these are really cute and quick to read. I'm also really feeling daddy!5sos right now and it's so cute. But on another note HOLY SHIT GUYS IM SEEING 5SOS TOMORROW!! I'll post videos and pics and stuff on my social media so you can get all that info from my bio ❤️ also I'm working on the next updates for Drive as well as  Day and Night 😊 happy reading. Xx

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