Flawless (Luke)

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A/n~the girl in the picture is so lucky 😭❤️

You stood in front of the mirror pointing out every flaw. Lately that's all you've been doing, but honestly how could you not. Your boyfriend Luke was 1,000 miles away on tour, leaving you home alone. Usually it was no big deal but this time you couldn't shake the empty feeling. People on Twitter were messaging you and of course you saw the retweets. You weren't stupid. Girl after girl all meeting your boyfriend. Of course you were happy they all had fans to support their dream, but it would be nice for once to have him all to yourself. All the girls had one thing in common. They were all thin and perfect. You had some confidence, but as of now it was barely there. You were naturally thick because that's just the way you are. You didn't claim to be "fat," but you didn't see yourself as thin either. You continue to pick yourself apart. You sigh and step away from mirror not really understanding what Luke sees. Some days you're happy he sees it, while others you swear he's blind.

A week later Luke returns for a few days while he's on break. You were happy to see him as you pull him into a hug. He insists on taking you to dinner. You change into your favorite dress, noticing it doesn't zip as easy as it used to. You sigh, not even stressing because honestly you saw it coming. At dinner you order a small salad and pick at it. You make easy conversation with Luke to draw less attention. Being the caring boyfriend he is, he catches on and frowns. After dinner he drives you home silently. You quickly go change, hoping to go straight to bed. You slipped the dress off and looked at your reflection. You do it every night, and this isn't any different. "Stop" Luke says in his raspy voice. You quickly try to put your sweatshirt on but he stops you. He wraps his arms around you from behind and makes eye contact with you in the mirror. "I noticed at dinner." That's all he says and you instantly know you've been caught. "It's nothing" you mumble in a defensive tone. You quit making eye contact, not able to stand his gaze. "Y/n look at me" he begs. You sigh giving in. He moves your hands to your side so you're no longer covering your stomach. "You're so beautiful. Every part of you. I wouldn't trade you for the world. I love everything about you" he whispers. "I could write a book about everything I love. From your eye color, to your soft hair, and your toned legs" he continues. "You amaze me everyday, but what amazes me the most is that you can't see what I see. So I'm making it my personal job to remind you everyday how special you are so you never forget." By this point you've failed to stop the tears that are now effortlessly falling down your face. Words don't even come close to the amount of love you have for the man standing in front of you.

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