We Can Do This (Ashton)

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You smile widely to yourself as you dial his number. It's on speed dial but you know it by heart. You smile even wider when you hear his soft melodic voice. "Hello?" "Ash?" You whisper. "Y/n hi! How've you been?" He asks. "Great actually. I heard your album today." You hear his infectious giggle. "Really? What'd you think?" "It's so great. I'm so proud of you babe. You've come so far." You say softly. You support him so much and it's warming to know his hard work has really paid off. "Babe you're gonna make me cry. I miss you so much. I love you." He says. "I love you too Ashton. I can't wait to see you. When are you coming home?" You ask tentatively. You had some big news and you were nervous yet excited to tell him. It was a serious concept and you couldn't wait to tell him. "Sooner than you think." He says smiling. "Good I can't wait." You say. He sounds rushed and like he's talking to someone else in the same room as him. "Hey babe I'd love to keep talking but I've gotta go. I'll text you when I can. Love you!" He says as he hangs up. You sigh and crawl into bed.
A week later you were hanging out around the apartment when the door opened. You were confused. Only two people had a key to your place and you weren't expecting either one of them. You stand up and look and see Ashton setting his bag down gently. You gasp and he looks up at you smiling. You run to him and he wraps his muscular arms around you. You hug him back tightly and start to cry. "Hey hey no tears." He says wiping them away. You smile and kiss him. "I've missed you so much." You say. He smiles "I've missed you too." He leads you to the couch and sits you down. You cuddle into his chest missing his warm embrace. Ashton plays with your hair and you contemplate if now is a good time to tell him. "Don't think to hard." He mumbles. You look up to see him smiling and now your hands are sweating. "Y/n? You're scaring me." He says holding your hands as he sits up. You were so nervous. "I uh there's something I have to tell you." You whisper. "You can tell me anything." He reassures. You nod your head wishing it was that easy. You take a deep breath before looking down. "I'm pregnant." You whisper afraid of his reaction. You wait a few minutes and look up at him worried. His face was pale and he wasn't saying anything. "Say something." You beg. He shakes his head and tugs at his hair as he stands up. "I need to go" he says grabbing is keys. You started crying, knowing you've messed it all up.
3 hours later and you still haven't left the couch. You were under the blanket trying to calm down but you couldn't. You've lost the most important person and there's nothing you can do. You just hope he comes back. Suddenly the door opens and Ashton comes in. His eyes are bloodshot and puffy. He kneels in front of you and you were really scared. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight and I was scared, hell I'm still scared but I can't even imagine what you're going through. I'm going to right here for you. Both of you. I love you and we can get through this." He says. Your heart swells and then reality sets in. "What about your career? You already have a new tour lined up. I don't want to hold you back." "You won't. I love you and we can figure it out together. You'll never hold me back." He says placing his big soft hands on your stomach. You smile and kiss him knowing everything is going to be okay.

A/n~here's the longer version also BUY SGFG ON ITUNES❤️❤️ it's so good and I've never been so proud of these idiots 😌 what are your guys favorite songs so far?

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