Christmas Cookies (Calum)

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"Daddy don't forget the sprinkles!" Your daughter whines. "Honey those don't go on until after the cookies come out of the oven." Calum says. She pouts but let's him put them in the oven. You sat there taking cute pictures and occasionally adding comments. You loved when Calum and your daughter spent time together. He wasn't the father, but he acted like it. Calum had made it known that it was a must to set out cookies for Santa. After making a quick run to the store and a huge mess in your kitchen, you now have enough cookies for a small army. You started to clean up while you waited for the cookies to be done. The timer went off and Calum and your daughter ran in. Calum kissed you cheek on his way in. You take them out and Calum sets up the frosting and decorating materials. You watched them with a smile as they got frosting on everything. After they were done and cooled Calum started to put them away. "Daddy no! You have to leave them out for Santa!" She says. You freeze and look at Calum. She's never called him that before and it was very unexpected. "Alright princess. Let's put them on a nice plate and you tell me where I should put them." Calum says smiling. After he sets them in 20 different spots before it's just right according to your daughter, he makes his way back into the kitchen while she watches a movie.  "I'm so sorry." You say embarrassed. He pulls you into a hug. "Don't worry about it. I kinda liked it." He whispers. You look up at him surprised. "Daddy!" She whines as she walks into the room. She's rubbing her eyes and you can tell that she's sleepy. "Tired?" He asks and she nods. She stretches out her arms and he picks her up. "Sing?" She mumbles hugging his neck. "Yeah let's go. That way Santa can come bring you gifts." He says kissing her cheek. She smiles and you follow them both upstairs. You tuck her in and kiss her before waiting in the doorway to hear Calum sing her to sleep. Soon she's out cold and Calum closes her door slightly as he comes over to you. "I love you." You say kissing him. "I love you too y/n. Now let's go to sleep so Santa can come." He says with a teasing smirk and a wink. You laugh. "Okay Santa." You laugh.

I just love Christmas you guys 😍 I also love you BECAUSE HOLY CRAP 6K READS💕💕 I can't thank you guys enough honestly. I didn't think it would get this much attention. Happy holidays and happy reading. Xx

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