Bittersweet (Ashton)

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You take your seat at the local coffee shop and order a simple coffee. It was getting colder outside and you decided to take a break in the small shop where it was warm. You were sipping your drink and scrolling through your phone alone. "Y/n?" You look up and see your ex, Ashton. "Um hi" you say awkwardly. "Mind if I sit down?" He asks. You do a quick glance around and see many empty tables but you shrug anyway. "So how are you?" He asks. "I'm alright. You?" You didn't mean to be rude but this was awkward and you really could care less about his life with someone else. Cute guys like him don't stay single long. You on the other hand have been alone ever since. "I'm alright. Doing a few gigs here and there. So are you seeing anyone?" He asks getting straight to the point. You pause slightly caught off guard. You battle between lying or telling the truth but your mouth speaks before your mind can catch up. "No actually. How about you? Any girls?" You ask expecting him to smile and carry on. "Uh no" he says. "Oh." "Yeah. It's been months and...and it's still you. I can't get over you. I didn't want to break up but I thought it was better for you." He says. You think of those nights you spent in bed upset and crying over him leaving. "That was really stupid." You say. "I know I know but can we try again?" You shrug. "I'll think about it. But for now have a nice life Ashton. Maybe we'll meet again?" You say getting up. He nods and waves as you leave. Maybe in another life you'd still be his.

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