Trouble (Luke)

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You were running a few minutes late, so you made it to class about a minute before the bell rang. Thankfully the professor wasn't there yet. You make your way to the back of your class where you usually sit, only to see someone already sitting there. Before you can ask the annoying boy to move, the professor walks in and begins class, meaning you have to take the empty seat away from the window. You pull out your notebook and begin to take notes. Five minutes later you feel someone poke your arm. You ignore them trying to stay focused. "Pst hey" You roll your eyes. "What do you want?" You whisper back, not wanting to get in trouble. "Can I borrow a pen?" The annoying boy asks. "No." You tell him. "Please?" He begs. You continue to ignore him as he keeps asking. "Mr. Hemmings, Ms. Y/l/n if you want to continue your bickering you can step outside, but I'd love to see you some more for detention after class." You hear your professor say as she keeps writing notes on the board. You were so pissed.

After all your other classes you made your way back to home room since you couldn't get out of detention. You sit down and roll your eyes as the asshole from earlier comes strolling in like he has nothing else better to do. He sits next to you, of course, and rests his feet on the desk. You take our homework from the other classes since there's nothing else for you to do. "I have a meeting right down the hall and I expect you two to behave yourselves. You aren't aloud to leave until the hours up and believe me I'll know if you leave early." The teacher says as she leaves the room. "Great. Now we can actually talk and you can stop ignoring me." The kid says. You keep ignoring him. "Luke" He says holding out his hand. You roll your eyes and go back to studying. "Really? You're the stuck up that you can't even say hi? Who pissed you off this morning?" He grumbles. "You did." You say still looking at the book. "Me?" He asks in disbelief. "I don't even know you." "You were in my seat. And you got me put here. So yes you." You say getting annoyed. "I'm sorry, I didn't see your name on it." He sasses back. "And you wouldn't be here if you would've been nice" He says. "Do you ever shut up?" You ask. "Hmm am I annoying you?" He asks and you nod. "Then no" He smirks. "Are you gonna tell me your name princess?" He asks. "Don't call me that." You snap. "Well princess what else am I gonna call you?" He asks knowing exactly what buttons to push. "Y/n" You mumble. "What was that princess? I couldn't hear you" He teases. "Y/n" You say again louder. "I like princess better." He says. You groan annoyed. "Can you shut the hell up? I'm trying to get stuff done. You know some people care about education unlike you." You scoff. "Princess I care about education. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. But unlike you I enjoy having fun." He says. " I know how to have fun" you say defensively. "Prove it." He says. "How? We can't leave." You say and he smirks. You shake your head. "No I'm not leaving." He shrugs. "Studying isn't fun princess. Live a little." He says testing you. You were so annoyed and wanted to prove him wrong. You put your books back in your bag and stood up. "Let's go then." You say grabbing your bag. He follows you out of the classroom and he stops in front of the drama room. "Look the costumes are still in here" He says smiling. He walks inside and starts going through them. "Luke we can't be in here. Let's go" you try to say. He turns around in a ridiculous costume and you can't help but laugh. "Now your turn." He says. You laugh shaking your head and dig through the costumes. You see a few outfits from the Grease play they did last spring. You put on the leather jacket and the tacky sunglasses. "Hey Luke who do I look like?" You laugh. "Um" He says staring at you. "What?" You ask. "Nothing. Hey look!" He says putting on a stupid wig. You start laughing so hard you could barely breathe. You hear someone cough and you turn to see your professor. "Glad you kids are getting along, seeing as you both have detention for the rest of the week." She says smiling. There's a sinking feeling in your stomach. "No ma'am it wasn't y/n's fault. It was mine. I bribed her, not really giving her a choice. She was doing what I told her." Luke tries to explain. You were really surprised by his words. "I don't care who's fault it is. You both will be here all week." She says leaving the room. "Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get you in more trouble." Luke says nervously. "It's okay. I had fun." You say shrugging. "Same time tomorrow?" He smirks. You shake your head smiling. "Goodnight Luke" You say. "See you tomorrow!" He calls out as you leave.

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