Mistletoe (Calum)

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You came home late at night from work. You were so exhausted that just thinking of doing any work made your head hurt. You came home and opened the door. You're hit the smell of warm vanilla with a mix of peppermint. You glance around confused. You head towards your living room and start to hear Christmas music and a voice singing along. You smile to yourself hearing Calum sing. You look and see he has the whole living room decorated-tree and all. "Calum." You say in awe. "sorry babe. I was gonna wait until you got home I promise, but I couldn't wait." He says smiling. "I love it actually. Thank you." You say grateful. He did a really good job.  "I left the star for you because I know it's your favorite." He says blushing. You were in so much awe of him. How in the world is this boy real, let alone yours? You hugged him tightly. "cmon I'll help." He says smiling. You take the star from him and try to reach the top but you were too short. "here let me help" he says smirking. You look at him confused. Suddenly your feet are off the ground and you're holding onto Calum's shoulders for dear life. "holy shit Calum put me down!" You shriek. He laughs and shakes his head. "Not until you put the star on." You sigh and give in. You hold on tightly with one hand as you place the star on top. "There all done. Now put me down." You say. He sets you down gently. You go to head towards your bed to change when Calum stops you. You look at him waiting for whatever it is he needs. "Hey y/n?" He asks. "What?" "Look up." He says smiling. You glance up to see mistletoe and you know he planned this. "Now I get a kiss." He smirks. You smirk back and lean in like you're going to kiss him. He closes his eyes waiting and last minute you move and kiss his cheek. You start to run off but feel his strong arms wrap around you. "I don't think so babe. Not until I get my kiss." He says. You turn around in his arms and look up into his beautiful eyes. "I love you so much." You whisper. Your mouth is moving faster than your brain can catch up but you meant it. You love him so much it hurts. "Good. I love you too y/n." He whispers before leaning in. His lips touch yours and it feels like you've been ignited. The warmth from his lips spreads through your whole body as you tangle your hands in his hair. "Mistletoe never fails." He says laughing. You laugh and kiss him again. "It's the perfect start to the perfect season." You whisper. 

Sorry the update was so late today guys. I haven't been feeling very well but hopefully I'll be better soon. I'm so so thankful to everyone who's read this, all 4,000 of you. It means so much to me that you've taken time to read my work. I love you all. Happy reading. Xx

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