Presents (Michael)

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You were so excited as you went to pick up your boyfriends gift. He's been dying to see All Time Low in concert again, so you got him a pair of tickets for his birthday. You couldn't wait to see his face. You both decided to exchange early Christmas gifts because he might not make it home for Christmas and he refuses to accept birthday gifts. You argued with him for 3 hours before giving in. He's persistent on not aging. You picked up the tickets and took them home to wrap them up. You put them in a big box so he couldn't guess. Now all you had to do was wait. "Happy birthday baby! I have your Christmas/ birthday gift!" You say excited. "Oh! Is it sex?" He asks excited. You laugh and shake your head. "No it's not sex." He looks at the large box in your hand. "Is it an animal?" "No Michael I wouldn't put an animal in a box. Just open it." You say handing it to him. He pulls out a smaller box and hands it to you. You both count down from 3 and open the boxes together. You both start laughing hard. "We seriously got each other the same gifts." I laugh. "Well yeah. You wanted to see them and I wanted to see them again so it was a win win." He says. "Oh I figured you would've taken one of your band mates." You mumble. It's not that you didn't want to go, because you did, but he'd probably have more fun with someone else. "What?! Are you crazy? How could I not take my own girlfriend to the concert when she got me the tickets?" He frowns. He pulls you into a hug. "You could've gotten me nothing at all and just you being here would've made this my best birthday." He whispers. You hug back tightly. "I love you birthday boy." "I love you too y/n"

So Michael is officially 20 and has red hair and wow us Michael girls are not okay. Anyway, how is everyone? (Especially my Michael girls) also don't forget to send in requests because I'm running out of ideas 😁😁 I'm also not good at smut but if that's something you guys wanna read I'll try my best 😂 no promises. Happy reading. Xx

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