It was fine (Luke)

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Boyfriend!luke getting all mad and protective when you get home late after being harassed by paps along with your friend. He'd be so mad because your friend happens to be a boy and Luke hates that you hang out with him. He'd yell and carry on and you'd just roll your eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He'd ask annoyed especially now that he isn't getting a reaction from you. "I didn't tell you because I knew this was how you were going to act. If you're done throwing a tantrum like an 8 year old I'd like to know how your day went." You'd remark. He would huff but sit down because at least you're here with him now. "It was fine." He would mumble. "You rehearsed to play in one of the biggest stadiums in the world and it was fine?" He would roll his eyes and you could tell the jealous act was fading. "Okay it was better than fine." He'd say with that signature smile. You'd smile and shake your head. He was protective but he's worth it.

I haven't updated in so so so long and I feel awful 😭😭 BUT HOLY SHIT 10K!!! You guys are so incredible and I'm so sorry about this late update especially for those of you who read my other stories 😅 I have an Ashton one shot that I'm posting soon so I'll keep you guys updated if you're interested. Requests are open so please feel free to send ideas. Happy reading. Xx

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