Connections. (Luke)

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You watch your younger brother run around the park. You promised you'd watch him for the day while your mom went Christmas shopping. He's been begging you for ice cream all day and you finally managed to give in. You made sure he didn't make a mess and held it with both hands so he wouldn't drop it. He stood in front of you since he didn't want to sit next to you. Suddenly a huge dog came running over and your brother jumped afraid. He moved to hide behind your legs and you noticed he dropped his ice cream. You groan annoyed. "I'm sorry." He mumbles upset. You sigh. "It's alright let's get you cleaned up." You mumble, seeing he has ice cream all over his hands. You take him to the drinking fountain just to get his hands wet to wash them off. The nearest bathroom was at least 15 minutes away and you didn't want to take that long. He dries his hands on his pants and looks behind you curiously. You turn to find a taller blonde boy. You're pretty sure his name is Luke. You've seen him around a few times but never talked to him. He's standing there awkwardly with a small cup of ice cream. "I noticed you dropped yours so I bought you another one." He says smiling. "Here you go." He offers your brother the cup of ice cream. Your brother looks at you for permission and you nod. He takes it from Luke and you make him sit down this time. Shortly after he throws the empty container away and runs off to go play. "You really didn't have to do that." You mumble. "I know but I felt bad and I know the owner so I got it for free." He says smiling. "Well don't you have good connections." You say laughing. "Oh totally but you see there's only one number that I really need." "Oh really? And what number would that be?" You ask playing along. "Yours of course." He says smiling. You laugh at his cheesiness. "I'm Luke by the way." "Y/n." You reply. He smiles widely. Before you can continue your brother runs up to you looking exhausted. "Can we go home?" He begs. You sigh and stand up. "It was nice meeting you Luke and thanks for the ice cream." You say smiling. "No problem. Glad I could help. But uh here's my number in case you need anymore connections. Or just because." He says with a wink as you both go your separate ways.

Hey guys!! Luke's latest ig post killed me omg he's so 😍😍. Also please don't be afraid to send in requests because I cannot think of anything which is why my updating is slower. Also slight promo but I have two other stories posted and hopefully more to come so please check those out. Anyway happy reading.xx

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