Shopping (Ashton)

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You and your fiancé Ashton were preparing for your wedding as the day vastly approached. In the midst of planning everything and stressing to get everything ready, you forgot to register for your bridal shower. You decided to drag Ashton along with you to the store to register. "Ok Ash we gotta make a list of things for people to buy to let's start looking." You say. He nods slightly enthusiastic and follows your lead. You search for what feels like forever writing down things like towels, a microwave, kitchen utensils, and anything else you could think of. You turn to find Ashton out of your sight and sigh hoping he didn't get lost like last time. Out of no where you hear Ashton calling your name and running towards you holding a big box. "Y/n! Y/n! Look! We gotta add this to our list!" He says catching up to you. "What is it?" You ask. "It's a blender!" He says excited. "Babe we already have one and it works just fine." "Yeah but babe get this, it's a ninja! And it's quiet and can mash up anything! Plus ours is loud and broken." He argues. "Ash it's a blender it's supposed to be loud you goof." You say laughing. He gives you his best sad look and you sign giving in. He cheers and kisses your cheek as you add it to the list. You smile to yourself thinking about marrying you're best friend.

Hey guys!! How is everyone doing? I hope that everyone that has started school is doing alright as I know it can be overwhelmingly stressful. I'm so excited to finally be able to post something so I hope you enjoy!! Happy reading. Xx

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