Are You Serious? (Michael)

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Tattooartist!Michael who doesn't take you seriously when you tell him you want a tattoo. You frown feeling a little hurt. "Wow you're serious. Shit um okay let's sketch this then. I'll be back" He says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. He comes back 30 minutes later and has drawn the prettiest tattoo. "Woah" You whisper amazed. "It's just something I came up with" He says shyly. "I love it" You say smiling. He smiles back and leads you to the chair. You sit down and it starts to sink in that you're about to get something permanent and it's done with a needle. Michael looks over and sees you looking scared. "Hey y/n relax its gonna be okay. I'll take care of you I promise." He states. You nod unsure. "It'll be over before you know it. Squeeze my thigh if you need to" He tells you. You nod and slip your shirt off so he has complete access to your shoulder. You hear him take a sharp breath and awkwardly avert his eyes. You sit down like he instructed and tried to remain calm. "It's going to sting but you'll be okay I promise. Just whatever you do, stay as still as you can" He says. You hear the needle start up and your heart feels like it's in your throat. You bite your lip drawing blood as the needle touches your skin. You didn't consider yourself weak, but it hurt like a bitch. After sitting for almost two hours, he backed up and turned the needle off. "There you go princess. All done" He says smiling at his work. You stand up with your legs shaking from siting for so long. Michael hands you a mirror so you can see it. You gasp as how well it looks. It looks fantastic even though your skin is red and slightly swollen. You barely hear him explain how to take care of it so it doesn't get infected or fades. You nod and then turn around and hug him. "It's perfect. Thank you so much. You're seriously the best." You say. He coughs awkwardly and blushes and you realize your shirt is still off. You blush and put it back on. You follow him to the counter to pay for it. You leave him a generous tip for putting up with you. "That's really not necessary" he says. You shake you head, not taking no for an answer. He hands you a slip of paper with his number scribbled on it. "Call me if you have any questions. Or just because" he smiles trying to play it cool. You nod smiling and thank him again. "I'll call you" You promise over your shoulder as you walk out the door.

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