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Enjoy my FIRST chapter!

Harry wakes up with big arms wrapped around him. He smiles! Louis is such a great boyfriend! Harry hears small snores come from his boyfriends mouth. He turns over to face him. Louis kinda grunts a bit and lets go of Harry.

"Well good morning to you to, love!" Harry whispers. Louis just rolls over. Harry gets up and stretches. He decides to go make Louis breakfast. He gets his sweats on leaving his chest bare and walks downstairs.

When he gets to the kitchen he has already decided to make pancakes bacon with some carrots. That's Louis' favorite! The boys all know. But Harry knew first since they became boyfriends. It's different now. They love each other. Harry accidentally drops a piece of bacon on the skillet and it burns him. "Oh fucking shit!" He curses. He then gets scared. He turns around and has a sigh of relief. Louis hates cursing. He forbids Harry to do it. Harry just goes on with the cooking. He puts the eggs in. The bacon is spitting out hot water. Harry picks it up to cool it down but burns himself. " fuck this!" He throws the pan and grabs his hand.

"Hmmmhh?" Harry turns around and gasps. Louis stands there with a angry look. "What did you say?" Harry takes a breath in and gulps. "I-I'm so s-sorry Louis. I burnt myself." Harry whimpers. Louis just shakes his head. "Harry you know how I hate the cursing!" Louis practically screams in anger. Harry backs up.

"Louis, baby I'm sorry." Louis grabs Harry's wrist and shoves him into the living room. Louis sits down and motions for Harry to lay on it. He whimpers.

"No l.." Harry starts. "Harry just get over here before I do more!" Louis screams. Harry is worried. Louis feels bad when he spanks Harry but he knows he deserves it. Harry walks over and lays his stomach on Louis' lap. Louis rubs his butt. "I'm gonna start now Harry." Louis says. Harry squeezes Louis' thighs when his hand leaves his butt. It comes down with a hard slap on Harry's bum. He screams out in pain. And starts squirming around. Louis holds Harry's legs down. After 20 hits on the cheeks Harry is balling!

"Ow stop Louis! It hurts!" He cries. "I know Harry. 10 more." Louis says in pain. He doesn't like hurting his love but he knows it's for Harry's own good. After 10 hits Harry is balling and screaming. It hurts so much. He grabs Louis by the neck and hugs him. 30 smacks this time. He rubs his boyfriends back. Harry cries into his shoulder. Louis looks him in the eyes.

"Do you know why I did that love?" Louis asks. Harry whimpers. "Because I cussed and said bad things." "And?" "And because you love me." He says. Louis smiles. "That's right baby and don't you forget it." Louis whispers into Harry's ear. "I love you too boo!" Harry's says still sniffing. His bum feels like its on fire. Louis kisses him and hugs him closer. Louis kisses his nose.

"Love you baby." Louis coos.

"Love you too babe." Harry says. They fall asleep in their arms tonight.


Well..? Please give suggestions! Please! Thanks for reading!

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