Justin Bieber

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Harry's pov..

Liam decided to stay with us for a while. Right now Liam is sleeping and Louis is grabbing some groceries. I call Louis.


"Hi Lou! Could I hang out with Justin and Niall? I think we are going shopping!" I say in a begging voice. He sighs.

"I guess! Just be good and don't get into trouble! Please!" He says. I roll my eyes.

"I know Lou! I won't I promise. Plus Niall will be there." I say hoping it will change his mood.

"Harry he's no better." Louis says. I nod.

"Okay baby! Love you! Stay safe and out of trouble!" He says.

"Love you to Lou! Bye!" I say. He hangs up. I lock my phone and stick it in my pocket. Liam wakes up.

"You okay Li?" I ask. He nods.

"You look sweaty. Need some water?" I ask. He swallows.

"Yes please!" He says. I go into the kitchen and get him a huge water bottle. He drinks it up when I give it to him.

"Liam I'm going out with Niall and Justin. Do you want me to stay instead?" I ask. Liam shakes his head.

"No, no Harry. Go out. Live your teenage life. Have fun and don't get into trouble." He says waving his hands. I laugh a bit.

"Okay Li! Thanks! Rest up!" I say patting his back. He nods and smiles! I grab my keys as go out to my car. They said to meet them at the studio. Whatever were doing there. When I get there Niall is standing outside. He waves.

"Hey mate! What's up?" He asks.

"Oh nothing just boring old me. Did Liam already come and visit?" I ask. Niall smiles wide and nods.

"I prayed Harry. God does help! Anyway come inside! We are going to play truth or dare!"

"Oh yeah! I love that game!" I say. He chuckles. I follow him into the studio. Justin pops up as he sees me.

"Hey bro!" He hugs me. I hug back!

"What's up Justin?" I ask. He just shrugs.

"Nothing much. How 'bout you?"

"Ah well Liam is better! Louis and I are still going great! That's about all though." I say.

"Okay let's start the game!" Niall says. I nod and sit down. We all sit down and decide that Justin should go first.

"Okay Niall, truth or dare?" He asks.

"Um dare!"

"I dare you to kiss Harry. On the lips." Justin says.

"But Lou.." I say.

"He won't find out! Trust me! And we'll have a reason why!" Justin says waving his hand. Then I feel a pair of lips crash into mine. Their soft and smooth. I moan as he pushes me back. Justin chuckles. I grab onto his face and he straddles me. I groan as our erections rub together. His kiss is amazing! He then lets go and leans back.

"Best. Kiss. Ever." He gasps. He sits back across from me.

"Niall you are a great kisser!" I say. He laughs.

"You are too!" He smiles!

"Okay Niall! Your turn!" Justin says. I look at him.

"Harry truth or dare?" Niall asks.

"Uh... Dare!" I scream.

"Of course! I'm Justin, any suggestions?" Niall asks. He smiles. Justin whispers something. Niall smiles.

"I dare you to steal some gun from a store. We'll be there!" My eyes go wide. God why.

"Fine lets go!" We end up going to Walmart. It's packed. I go by the gum. Okay Harry you got this! I pick up a pack and put it in my pocket. As I'm heading out the door the thing beeps. Keep going Harry.

"Sir? Sir? Stop please!" A mans voice says. I keep walking. The guy reaches me.

"Huh?" I ask. He starts to pay me down. Niall and Justin watch. Bitches!

"Sir you stole this pack of gum! I'm going to have to take you in." He says. I just noticed he was a cop. Oh shit. Next moment I'm running then I get tazered. Then blackness.


HARRY NO! Vote, comment, follow! Thanks! Love you guys! Be updating soon!

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