Oh C'mon!!

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Harry's POV...

Oh my god...

This is terrible! How could this ever happen? Zayn and Perrie were about the happiest couple I have ever seen. What would tear them apart?

I fill my plate up with sausage, bacon, and more eggs. I quickly grab some Apple juice and run to the elevator.

"Uh sir, you can't take that up.." I turn around.

"No you don't understand... I..... need..." She just stares at me quirking an eyebrow. The elevator door opens and I jump in.

"Sorry." She sighs and shakes her head. I push the number 5 and look up.

Why god, would you pull apart the cutest couple ever? It doesn't make sense!!

The elevator door slides open. I run off to our room. Unlocking it, I sit my stuff down and look at Louis.

"Louis, what happened?" I ask softly. A smirk appears on his lips... wait what?

"It was a joke. I just wanted you up here faster. Thanks for breakfast by the way!" My mouth drops to the floor. He grabs my plate and starts picking at the food.

"Haha, not funny Louis! I was seriously concerned! And no, that's not for you, if you want some, get your lazy ass up and go down the fucking elevator." I say rolling my eyes. I put a mouth full of eggs inside my mouth.

Whoops. I cussed. Maybe he didn't notice.

"Harold Edward Styles? What did you just say to me?" I gulp my food down.

"Sorry." I croak out. He stands up and walks over to me.

"You'll never learn, will you?" He grabs my plate and slams it down on the desk. I flinch at the roughness.

"I'm sorry I was just....mad I guess!" He shakes his head.

"That's not an excuse. Harry I be have told you millions of times before about the cussing!" I nod my head.

Why the hell am I so stupid? I need to think before I say. Yeah, that's what I need to work on.

"But...." Louis grabs my hand and bends me over.

"There's no buts." He says while pulling down my pants and underwear. His hand runs down my back.

Why does he have to do this to me? I hate when he acts all sweet at first then is your worst nightmare afterwards!

"You'll learn. Trust me." He whispers in my ear. I feel a tingling sensation go down my back.

His hand slaps down on my bum hard. I cry out and start to move around. Another one is placed on the same spot. My right cheek feels like it's on fire.

"Why don't you listen to me when I say things?" He shouts. I flinch as another smack lands on my left cheek.

I feel the burning start to come after only about 10 hits. He hits harder after everyone.

"Lou, please stop! Please..." I whimper. He shakes his head and just continues harder. Tears are rushing down my cheeks. I'm squirming and wailing like a little baby.

But Louis doesn't care. He just wants me to learn. After about 70 hits I can't take it anymore.

"STOP!!!!" I squeal. Louis stops and looks me in the eye. Tears keep coming out but I don't care.

"I obviously don't learn when you hit me. Why do it anyways?" I stand up towering over him by a mile.

Ha, now who's small?

Louis' POV...

I look up at Harry. His height making me seem like a midget. I swallow a huge lump inside my throat.

"But you do learn Harry. You just don't know it yet." Harry shakes his head. He's stills crying a bit.

Harry is the worst to be around when he's mad. His voice gets really low and loud. He also swears a lot. Which I obviously correct him on.

"I want to give you a spanking. So you see how it feels to be smacked millions of times." He growls. A sly smirks comes up on my lips.

"For what? What are you going to spank me for? I didn't do anything wrong!" He furrows his eyebrows trying to think.

His eyes turn a darker green. I step back.

"Because you spanked me. That's your punishment, getting a spanking." He violently grabs my arm and throws me over his lap.

This is ridiculous.

"Harry let me go." He rubs my bum softly like I do.

"No." He says lowly. I close my eyes and get ready.

I then feel his arms wrap around my body and I'm pulled into his chest.

"Just kidding." His giggling giving me the feels. I straddle him and look into his eyes.

"That's for tricking me." He chuckles. I fake a smile and shake my head.

"Clap clap, very good acting Harry! Didn't know you were so good at it." I kiss him letting my lips longer on his. He kisses back and bites my bottoms lip.

I stick my tongue inside his warm mouth. He puts his hand on my back.

"I love you, my little trickster!" I say giving a bright smile. His dimples show out! I love the things!

"I love you too, my teddy bear!" He smiles also! My phone buzzes. I reach for it and pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask. A mans voice clears his throat.

"Eleanor is in the lobby. Come meet her!" I frown.

"Yes sir." I try to sound okay with it but I'm not. Harry notices.

"You'll do fine, and know that I'm right here! I love you so much. See you soon!" I kiss his nose and get up fixing my hair. I put on my jacket and walk out the door.

There goes my life. There goes my everything.

Thanks for reading! Like really. I love you all dearly! Kisses go out to y'all! Muah :* I'll update soon!

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