Night Love

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Abby's POV.. (think back to the wedding. Louis' Bestie?)

I sit on my bed in the dark. My thoughts drift to Louis. I feel really bad for him. His mum was a very nice, caring person! She made everything fun! Then I decide to call him.
"Hello?" There's a very raspy sleepy voice on the other side. It's actually pretty sexy.
"Hi! Is this Louis?" I ask.
"This is his husband. Harry. Oh by the way, HI ABBY!" I start to laugh! I just met him and like him a lot! He's fun and sweet!
"Hey Haz! Could I speak with Harry?" I ask.
"Yeah of course!" I hear some mumbling then someone cheer! Haha!
"ABBS!" I hear him yell. I laugh!
"LOUIS! MISS YOU SO MUCH!!" He laughs! Then it gets quiet.
"So what did you call for?" He asks.
"Well, first off I would like to say hey! Second of all, I want to say sorry. Im very sad. Jay was like another mother to me. She was a sweet kind person, Lou! You are lucky!" I hear a sniff from the other side.
"I'm sorry Louis if I made you upset!"
"Oh no you didn't make me upset, its just emotional, you know?" I nod. I get it completely.
"Yeah. I get it! Just wanted to tell you that."
"I love you Abby!" I blush.
"I love you too Lou!" He giggles! The tears start coming out of my eyes.
"Could you come with us?" Louis asks. I furrow my eyebrows.
"What?" He sighs.
"Could you get on a plane and meet us? I could get you reservations for a private jet! How about that?" My eyes widen and soon I jump out of my bed.
"Yeah! Harry said that it would be a good idea!" Point for Harry Styles my new best friend! Haha!
"YESS!!" I squeal!
"Okay, well be at the airport at about 7 am!" I make a kiss sound through the phone.
"Love yah Louis! Love yah Bestie!" He laughs!
"Love you too Abbs! See you soon!" And before I can say anything else he hangs up. I really do love Louis! Its just, I really am in LOVE! Im in a a pickle right now. Because I'm in love with a married gay guy. God Abby you have issues!

Louis' POV..
I hang up the phone turning over to Harry.
"Well she's excited!" He laughs while kissing my nose.
"I knew it would be a good idea! Night babe! Love you!" I wrap my arms around his body. I rub his chest.
"Thank you! Love you too! Night baby!" I kiss him once before falling into a deep sleep. Dreaming about Harry falling in love with Abby. Well shit.....
Hey guys sorry for the wait! I have school and it sucks! I hate it!!!! Sorry this chapter was so short! Love y'all! Ill be updating soon! Thanks!

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