My pain

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Harry's pov..

"I don't know about this Lou!" I sigh. He puts his hand on his hip. He wants me to go to his moms! I hate road trips! They suck!

"Harry you will have to go weather you like it or not!" He stomps his foot. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I'm warning you Harry!" He says.

"I know! Sorry!" I say. He holds up his arms.

"It's okay Haz! It's only for 5 hours! Promise!" He says. I smile into his neck. We get out to the car and start the drive. He moved in with me in Cheshire! He didn't want to live in Doncaster anymore. So he moved in with me! When we get there his mom greets us at the door.

"Harry! Louis!" She squeals. Louis runs up and hugs her. I do the same! She is so sweet! I look behind her.

"Hi Harry!" Lottie says. I smile and wave.

"Hello Lottie!" I say back. Lottie and I spend a lot of time together! She is like a sister from another mother! Haha!

"Hi Harry how are you?" Phoebe asks. I smile!

"Great! And you are?"

"Amazing!" She says. The others must be out. Louis walks in and hugs his sisters. Louis' mom pats my shoulder.

"Harry! How have you been! You are so tall now!"

"Good! Louis and I have moved in great! It's a new beginning!" I say. Louis smiles!

"Well I will be right back!" Louis follows his mum.

"Lou where are you going?" I ask.

"Oh yeah could you babysit the twins? Please?!" He whines.

"Sure why not!" I say. The girls squeal!

"Thanks Haz!" Louis and his mum walk out the door! I turn around. The girls look at me.

"What are you two looking at?" I ask. They giggle. Lottie had a crush on me before she knew I was gay. I kinda feel awkward. Lottie attacks me. I scream. She laugh and I get mad when she scrapes me. Phoebe watches giggling. Just then I slap Lottie. Whoops!

"Ow Harry that hurt!" She says sitting back. I lift her hand. Oh god. It's bleeding a lot on her cheek. Phoebe cries out.

"Oh my gosh Lottie! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too!" She backs away from me. Just then the door swings open.

"Forget my wa.. Oh my god what happened?" Louis rushes over. Lottie cries into his arms.

"What happened?" He asks. Phoebe speaks first.

"Harry slapped her. Well Lottie attacked him and she scrapped him and then Harry slapped her." Louis gets red with anger. I back away.

"HAROLD EDWARD STYLES GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS AND GET INTO THE SHOWER! STAND IN THE CORNER! I SWEAR!" Louis screams. I run upstairs to the bathroom. My eyes already watering. I strip and get into the water. Then the door slams open. Louis has a belt.

"Please no Lou! I'm sorry I didn't mean too!" Louis shakes his head.

"CORNER!" He yells. I do and get ready for the pain. Without warning the belt comes down on my bum. I yell out in pain. This is horrid. My worst nightmare! Louis just keeps on going. I try to grab into the wall. But of course I can't. I bite my lip so hard it starts bleeding. After about 35 I can't take it.

"LOUIS STOP!" I cry out. He does 5 more before stoping. My lips is bleeding and my bum is too. Louis goes for me but I jerk away.

"No you spanked me. It was an accident. We were playing Lou! Playing! It hurts Lou! I bit my lip and now it hurts to! Just leave me alone for a bit!" I say before storming out of the bathroom to Louis' old room. I lay on the bed. My bum hurts badly!


Sorry! I will be updating more! Love you guys!

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