Abby Is Coming

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Harry's POV..
We all sit down in chairs to eat our breakfast. Olivia feeds Liam Jr. Right now, he is loving the food! Then out of now where, Abby is in my mind. Im glad that she's coming! Her and Louis are going to get along just fine! But I almost felt jealous when she was around. I know that she can't like him because he's gay but I feel like she takes him away from me. I just shrug off the feeling and keep eating. Then Stephanie taps my arm.

"Huh?" I mumble. She giggles.

"Liam Jr is cute! Can I marry him?" I almost choke on my food.

"Harry are you okay?" Louis asks while Stephanie is laughing her ass off. I just look at her sternly.

"Stephanie, you are way to young to be saying that." Everyone is looking at me. I sigh.

"She asked me if she could marry Liam Jr." Everyone starts laughing again. I just roll my eyes. Louis pats me back.

"We're just kidding around babe." I smile a bit.

"I know! I just don't want her growing up so fast yet." She kisses my cheek.

"I promise I won't grow up daddy!" That brings tears to my eyes. God she's such a beautiful angel! Just then the captain comes on the speaker.

"Hello 1D family! I would like to report that we will be going through a few clouds. It might be bumpy road ahead so stay seated and buckles in at this time! Thank you and enjoy the rest of your flight!" I pick Stephanie up and buckle her seat belt right so she doesn't fall out. Liam Jr is buckled in next to Liam and Olivia. Louis and I are buckled in next to Stephanie. Zayn Liam and Niall are just spread out. I try hold Stephanie's hand. I know nothing is going to happen but I feel Stephanie squeeze tighter. I look to Louis. He smiles weakly at me.

"So, who can't wait until performing?" Zayn asks. We all hold our hands up. Ah, it's good to be back on tour with the lads! Just then the planes hits ground. What? I thought that it was going to be a bumpy ride.

"This is you captain, I knew you guys would not put you seat belt on if we were just landing so I decided to tell you that our flight would be longer and that there would be clouds. Haha, I gotcha! Have a nice day y'all!" I rolls my eyes while starting I take off my seat belt. We all do the same and stand up. Louis picks Stephanie up.

"Are we here?" She asks. Louis nods. She starts squealing and screaming hooray! I laugh and go to the front of the plane. He gives me a paper to sign and then were off!

"Thanks!" I say! He waves his hand.

"No problem!" After we're off the plane, we are surrounded by girls. Now, as you can tell, were used to this! Now Stephanie on the other hand isn't. She starts to cry immediately. Louis shs her and pats her back. The girls notice and go 'aww'! Louis turns around and puts on a mad face.

"I'm going to AWW you! Be quiet your scaring her to death." They all become silent. We race through the airport and into the cab. Well more like a limo but also not. I can't tell exactly what it is. And we are off to our hotel. Man, it feels like ages since I've done this! But it was last year. Once were in the car, Stephanie has wild eyes. Louis groans.

"It's okay Steph!" She nods and snuggles close to Louis. She soon falls asleep with Louis. I smile. There's a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Niall sitting there.

"Their beautiful! You have a wonderful family." I smile/frown knowing that Niall is the only one that's still single. A tear falls out of his eye. I pull him into a hug.

"And your a part of it!"

Awwww! Okay well enjoy! Thanks for all of the reads and votes! It means a lot! Right now my mom is going through hard times since my mom and dad are divorced. They've been divorced for about 6 yrs. It brakes my heart knowing that my mom cries about once everyday. She has a beautiful bright smile and I love her drearily! And she finally found someone that cares for her! I love my step dad Tim! Hes the best! Hes also an author! Anyways, love y'all!

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