Tour shit!

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Louis' POV..

My eyes pop open from the nightmare I had. It was horrible. Lets just say that if it happens, I'm gone. The feeling was intense. Then I hear yelling. Its Harry and Zayn. They are yelling and screaming at each other. Why the hell? I stand up quickly and run to the cracked door.

"What the hell?" I ask. Hardy looks at me with a red, angered face. I look at him confused.

"What's going on here?" I ask once more. Zayn groans.

"Well your husband here thinks that it's okay to text Perrie and tell her that I hate her and that I want I brake up with her. He said he told her it was me but I don't believe me because she won't respond." I see the tears well up in Zayns eyes. I feel bad.

"It was a joke! It's not like she's just going to brake up with you until she talks to you!" I grab Harry's upper arm harshly.

"Harold. Get your butt Inside that bedroom. I want to see it bare over the bed." He grunts.

"This fucking messed up!!" I squeeze harder. He whimpers.

"Now.." I warn. He follows my orders. I look at Zayn and see him trying to hold in his cry. I grab him for a quick hug.

"We can work this out mate. I promise! Everything will be okay." He nods. Stephanie walks out rubbing her eyes. Zayn grabs her and swings her around.

"How's my little princes this morning?!" She giggles! He winks at me. I know he knows that I need time alone with Harry and he's trying to stall her. We are still on the plane but only for about 7 hours. I walk into the room where Harry stands there completely bare bending over the bed. I close the door.

"Harry. Turn around for a moment and sit down." He does and looks me I the eye.

"What?" He asks. I sigh.

"Harry. What you've done could put Zayn through some tough times. I want you to understand that that was rude. I know it might've been a joke, but that's something you don't joke around about. Even if she did know that was you. I still don't warn you to end Zayns relationship. You guys will hate each other. You will feel regret and sorry. But he will never forgive you. Harry you are getting 45 for all of this. Plz try to stay quiet." He gulps and nods. I hope he understands.

"Thank you!" I make him turn over and stick his bum in the air. I start off with a smack on the middle. He flinches but settles himself into the sheets.

Harry is very weak when it comes to spanking, even though I have been doing it for about 2 years. He doesn't like it one bit. I slap his thighs and he whimpers. I keep on hitting him quickly. I don't like doing it but sometimes I force myself to. It kills me to see him in pain. I grab a hair brush from the drawer next to me and slap his bum. He squeals out but then covering his mouth quickly.

"It's fine." I whisper. I keep on going. I can see now that his bum is turning a light pink. I kinda feel bad but know that he deserves this and needs to learn his lesson. I try to go easy on the last 10. Once I'm done Harry is a crying mess. I throw the hair brush across the room and scoop him up into my arms.

"Sh. It's okay baby. Sh." I whisper in his ear. He cries into my chest softly. I kiss him lightly on the lips.

"I love you." He smiles a bit.

"I love you too!" He kisses me again. I still hear him sniffing a bit. He puts his clothes on and comes out to see Zayn and Stephanie eating toast.

"DADDIES!" She jumps up and runs to us. Harry picks her up and kisses her forehead.

"Hey baby girl! How'd you sleep?" He asks. She smiles and nods.

"Pretty good!" I kiss her on her cheek. She kisses my nose.

"Love you guys!" Harry hands her to me and goes up to Zayn.

"Could I talk to you I the back room?" He asks. I'm surprised at first then proud. Hes learning! I sit down with Stephanie to eat cereal with her.

Harry's POV..

I lead Zayn into the bedroom. I close the door. He sits down on the bed.

"Listen Zayn, I'm sorry for what I did. It was rude and cruel for me to do. I want to apologize for my actions. Please understand that I would never do that on purpose. I love you to much. Could we call Perrie right now?" I ask. He looks me in the eye and stands up. Tears spring to his eyes. He comes in and hugs me. I hug back.

"Yeah, about that call, Sure! Lets do this!" He takes out his phone and opens her contact. The phone starts to ring.



"Hello?" Perrie asks. I swallow and start to speak.

"Hi Perrie! Its Harry and Zayn! I would like to tell you about last nights texts. It was me. All me. I was being a dumb idiot that wanted attention. Zayb loves you. I want to apologize." She sighs.

"Aw thanks Harry! I'm sorry for believing the texts. Thank you for saving our connection! I love you Hardy and hi Zayn!" He sniffs and cracks a 'Hello!' She sighs again.

"Well I love you both! See yah guys soon! Kisses to both of you! Love you more Zayn!" She makes a kissing sound. He laughs!

"Love you too Babe! See yah!" He hangs up and looks at me.

"Thank you Harry!" I smile. Damn, I just saved a relationship! I hug him again before leaving the room. Louis winks at me! Liam walks out with Liam jr in his arms. I feel proud right now!


I promise I'll update soon! Thank you all for voting commenting and fanning! Love y'all! Ill be starting the second story here soon! All of this will start in the second book! I'll just start off where I left off! Ill let you know when! Right now only this book is going on in this series! Well thanks again! Love y'all!!!!!! ;*

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