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Harry's pov..

I stay in my room almost all night just crying. I hate it when he spanks me by I was a little harsh on him. I start to get worried. Where is he? I unlock my door and go downstairs. There's a note that reads,"be right back babe! I'm so sorry." It was written at 8:00? Louis wrote the time! It's now 11:00! Holy shit where is he. Just then there's a knock on the door. I run to it.


"Hi! Are you Harry Styles?" The police man asks. I nod.

"Um you boyfriend got into a car accident. He is okay and is ready to go home but we don't suggest he drives. So he told us to get you! Are you available?" He asks.

"Yes officer! I'm available!" I say with a shaky voice. Louis was in a car wreck? That's not like him. The officer gives me directions and soon I'm waiting on Louis. I see him and run up.

"Lou! I was so worried are you okay?" I ask. He has a brace on his ankle.

"Yes I'm fine now can we go home?" He asks. I nod. He looks really tired. I pick him up and sit him in the car. When we start driving I grab his hand.

"Louis what happened?" I whisper.

"Well I kinda got a little dizzy after the fight we had. So I went for a drive. But I lost control. I'm fine baby." He says. I smile at the nickname. Just then a girl jumps on our car.

"GET THS FUCK OFF OUR CAR YOU BITCH! SOMEONE'S HURT!" My voice falls. It's a fan. She has tears in her eyes.

"Hey! I'm sorry! Do you want a signature?" She asks. She turns around, smiles and nods. I sign a book and hand it back.

"Sorry again about that! Really sorry!"

"It's okay!" She blushes. I wave her off. My head turns to Louis. He looks a little pissed.


"Shut it Harry. I told you about the cussing and this is going to end!" He growls. I drive home and get out quickly. Louis is right on my tail. He grabs my hand.

"Living room now!" He whispers. I do and go strip knowing he's gonna want it bare. He comes in with a belt.

"What?" I ask. My heart sinks.

"Only 35." Louis says more calm. I bend over and grab onto a pillow.

"That is no way to treat a fan and you do not cuss! Hear me?" Louis asks. I nod. Tears are already forming. He whips down hard. He keeps on going. It's unbearable by 15.

"Please Louis stop! Please! Please! Ow it hurts!" I scream/cry. He goes until I can't feel my bum. I whimper in pain. He grabs me and cradles me. I cry into his shoulder.

"I'm not mad at you anymore baby! It's okay. I promise everything is going to be okay!" He whispers. I clench his shirt in my hand. We just lay there while he's hushing me. My bum just really hurts. I've used so much energy today I fall asleep. In Louis' arms again!


Soo..? Well enjoy and suggest! Remember I can say dedicated to blah blah blah and even put you in the chapter! So please comment! Love you guys! Thanks!

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