Our Future

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Okay so here it is! Don't cry! Haha! Jk! Sorry for the wait lovelies!

Harry's pov..

I cover my wide open mouth.

"Harold Edward Styles. We have been through a lot together. I would like to do more with you. A lot more. Will you Harold styles marry me?" Louis asks. I start crying uncontrollable. The tears keep coming.

"Yes! Yes Louis! Oh my gosh Lou! I love you so much!" He stands up and has a few tears of his own. We grab each other and kiss. I am glad I get to spend the rest of my life with him! I can't live without him. He's my everything.

"Louis?" I ask crying.

"What baby?" He asks also crying happily.

"Thank you so much! I love you more than anyone in the world! Your my everything! You are why I get up in the mornings. Your why I'm still living. You are my world and savior!" I cry out. He starts crying also. He grabs my hand! I'm so happy right now! There's a beautiful ring on my finger that I will never take off. Never in my life.

"I love you Harry! So much!" Louis whispers in my ear. Our fingers are intertwined right now. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. He rubs my cheek. I lay my forehead on his.

"I will cherish this moment forever Lou!" I say. He smiles and I smile as well. The moon is shining right on us. His tears hit my cheeks. I giggle as it tickles! He wipes my tears away and kisses my cheek. His soft lips pressing to my smooth skin. The blush appears on my cheeks. My face heats up. The ring is a beautiful silver one. Louis lays out the blanket he brought for the picnic. He tells me to sit and gets out little sandwiches. With tea.

"Sorry! I can't cook!" He says. I giggle!

"It's okay! You don't have to cook to be cute!" I say. I look up to the stars. There's a bunch of them out.

"Thank you god for this beautiful night on this wonderful evening!" I pray. My sandwich goes bye very quickly. Then I notice something.

"Louis? The whole taking to long getting the toy was be....."

"I know. You saw the papers for the cups and plates and napkins. It's okay Harry! You didn't know!" He says scooting closer to me. I lay my head on his shoulder. He lays his head on top of mine.

"Shooting star! Make a wish!" He says. I wish that I will have a healthy and good relationship with Louis! And that we will be together forever!

"I love you Lou!" I say.

" I love you too Haz!" He kisses me!


There you go! Sorry so short! It made me cry! They would be so cute together! So cute! Well love you guys! Enjoy! Thanks! I will be updating soon!

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