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3.8 readers and 48 votes! Thanks guys! Soo much! Okay, enjoy!

Harry's pov..

I wake up laying on top of Louis. Then someone taps my shoulder I sit up and accidentally push on Louis' chest so he kinda huffs out air.

"Sorry Lou!" I say. He chuckles. I turn around and am faced with a messed up looking Liam.

"Ahh! Liam?" I ask. His hair is completely messed up and his clothes are all ripped up. He has a few scratches.

"I got attacked by a dog!" He says. I get up and Louis sits up on his elbows.

"Oh Liam! Are you okay?" Louis says standing up and making Liam sit down.

"It was horrid! Seriously!" He says. I get him water.

"You look tired! Why don't you take a nap?" I ask. He nods and lays down. His eyes close slowly. Louis and I go into the kitchen to eat some cereal.

"Okay so Haz! I was thinking about getting a dog? What do you think? Before we do anything else?" Louis asks.

"OMG Lou! That would be awesome! Today?" I ask. He nods and smiles. Louis and I have been together now for like 7 years! We've always wanted to get a dog! We quickly eat and leave for the kennel. When we get there my glance sets on one certain dog that is a husky with bright blue eyes. Reminds me of Lou! I point to him.

"Aww! She's so cute!" Louis says. Her tail starts wagging uncontrollably! The girl helps us get her out! Right when she comes up to us she kisses us! I start to laugh! I like the name crystal! It's beautiful! I look at Louis and nod!

"How much?" He asks.

"45!" He says. Louis smiles.

"We'll take her!"


(At home with the dog!)

Harry's pov..

"Crystal! Come here baby girl!" I say. She brings me her pull toy! Louis looks at me and smiles.

"She's perfect!" I say.

"Babe go get the bone! It's in the kitchen!" He says. I go into the kitchen and can't find it. I finally find the bag but there's a paper next to it. It reads, red plates with red cups. White napkins! I pick it up. Huh might be something Lou's planning. I set it back down. I have no clue what it is or what it means!


So there's a clue on the surprise! Napkins, cups, plates? Sorry it's so short and bad! I wanted to update so I had to make it shorter! The adopting is going to be after the surprise! The surprise now will be coming up very soon! Hope you like it! Again, this chapter was bad and short! Just wanted to give you a clue and I wanted them to have a dog so yeah! Vote, comment, follow! Thanks!

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