Desicions desicions

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Best Song Ever on vevo got 14 million views! That is a record. And I've watched it about 50 times so yeah! Haha! Love you boys! Congrats! Okay let's get on with the story!
Harry's pov..
When we get home I grab Louis' arm.
"We need to talk." I say. He nods and follows me upstairs. When we get upstairs I slowly close the door. I can hear the boys talking loudly.
"Not the spoon!" Liam yells. I hear a door slam and laughing. They can be such idiots at times!
"So Harry, what did you want to talk about?" He asks. I sit down on the bed with him.
"Louis, we can't cancel the wedding!" I sigh. He looks at me.
"We have invited all the people already! And I've been looking forward to this for a while now. What do you think?" I ask curious to what he's going to say. His gaze looks around the room.
"Well, I don't know really. It's a hard decision. The fans have been waiting for a long time for this Haz. It's not nice of us to just cancel it." He says shrugging. I snort.
"So the fans are more important now? What about me? Our wedding. Not theirs! Ours! Fuck the fans!" I scream. Louis stands.
"Don't say that ever again! If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here, together!" He says getting in my face. It's true.
"Sorry it's just I've been waiting for this for like a month and the suspense is killing me! It's like a movie!" My head goes down. This is a hard decision.
"Baby, it's okay but remember that we have to do our job. Should we talk to the boys about this?" Louis asks. I look up and nod my head slowly. That's actually a pretty good idea! We both go downstairs to see them tackling each other.
"BOYS?!" Louis screams. They stop and look at him.
"Sorry Lou!" Niall says standing up. We all sit in different spots.
"So boys. Harry and I have a wedding tomorrow...."
"But the to.....?" Liam begins. Lou's puts his hand up.
"Let me continue. We were talking. What do you think we should do? Should we wait until after the tour or go on with the wedding as planned?"
Sorry so short! I'm not updating until you say which they should do. Wait? Or go ahead? Tell me! I'm kinda stuck between the middle! Thanks! Oh and there's 114 votes! My dream was to get to at least 100! Thanks guys for all the help! Love y'all! Tell me and I update!

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