Just Plain Love

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Okay so could I maybe get 15 votes for this chapter? Since I didn't ask for any last time. But please don't if you don't like it! Haha! This one is going to be just about Louis, Harry and their strong love. Hope you like! Might be some sex.... hehe;D Okay here we go....

Harry's POV...

As I wake from my short, useless sleep, I think to myself about those girls. What if thy tell people. Then I don't know what will happen to our career. Plus, Louis wasn't going to fuck me so what's the big deal? I slowly crawl out of bed and into the bathroom. I could really use a warm shower right now. I then turn on the faucet and hear Louis come in. Might as well get my shower done so we can have some alone time. But right when in stepping in the shower, I hear Louis start to talk about something. I think he's on the phone.

"I can't do that see, I'm already dating Harry. You can't just take me away from me!" A hint of annoyance hits his voice. What the hell is he talking about?

"No! I would never! Please! You must know what love is!!!! It's diffidently something you can't just pull away from two people!" He's now practically screaming at the person on the other side. I can't hear what their saying.

"Well fuck them! I don't really care! Isn't it about time we come out anyways?" My mouth drops open. He did not just cuss. Then he lets out a breathy sigh. It sounds like he's about to cry. He speaks very softly and slowly.

"Oh yeah, one more thing. Thanks for ruining my life! Fuck you! GO TO HELL!" He screams the last part at the top of his lungs and throws the phone. I know that because then I hear it crack after hitting the wall. I gasp and cover my mouth. I hear him start to sob loudly. I quickly get out and dry myself off. One the door is open I see him sitting in the corner crying. Tears actually start to form in my eyes.

"Lou? Oh baby, are you okay?" He looks up and then just starts to cry a bit more.

"Harry, I love you!" He screams. I grab his waist and pull him into my lap nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

"Well I love you to babe. But you gotta tell me what's wrong." Louis closes his eyes as if to think about it.

"C'mon baby. You can do it." I encourage him. He takes a deep breath and starts.

"So management called. The girls we saw last night? Well they called then last night also. I can't exactly understand how they got their phone but that's beyond me." I suddenly get pissed at them. They had to take it one step further didn't they? Of course they did!

"Anyways, they said that they were also telling other people. And since were still not clear on weather we are actually coming out to public, they told me we can't."

"But they promised...." I whine.

"So th-they s-et ....me up with a............g-irl. So th-at...we can fake date. S-o peo-ple know that were......faking." The last part is hard for him so his voice cracks and stutters every word. This is shit. I can't believe they would do this. They just know us to damn well.

"I'm sorry Harry. Really....." I look into Louis' blood shot eyes and tear race down my cheeks.

"Oh Lou. It's not you fault." I cup his cheeks into my hands and kiss his quivering, delicate lips. He hugs my neck to bring us closer. When I let go he starts to cry some more.

"Shh, baby it's okay. I've got you. Your not going anywhere. I promise whatever happens we will stay strong together." I kiss his lips lightly. He nods.

"I promise too!" He practically yells I the whole world. It makes me giggle a bit. He burrows his face into my neck. I feel the hot tears hitting my skin, slowly rubbing down. My wet hair is making him even more wet.

Why? Because i love you so much! (Larry spanking fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now