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Well I have 1k readers! Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, follow and all that crap! Thanks again! Okay let's get on with the story!

Gemma's pov..

When I get to My brothers house I go right up to the door. Him and Louis invited me over! I haven't seen him in like 4 months! That's long for Harry and I! We used to see each other everyday! The door opens.

"GEMMA!" Harry screams. I hug him and kiss his forehead. I look behind him and see Louis and Olivia smiling! I smile back and wave.

"Hey Gem!" Louis says, hugging me! He is so sweet! Harry couldn't have a better boyfriend! Then I head over to Olivia!

"Hey Liv! What's up babe?" I say/ask. She smiles and hugs me! Olivia and I haven't seen each other for about a year! We used to hang out all day everyday. Harry closes the door and waves is to the kitchen.

Harry's pov..

I'm so glad my sister come! I miss her a lot!

"I'm so glad you came Gemma!" I say when she sits down.

"Yeah! I haven't seen your house for a while! How's things going?" She asks.

"Great! Louis and I have been moving in awesome! Would any of you like tea?" I ask.

"Yes!" Louis, Gemma, and Olivia all say in unison! I laugh.

"Okay!" I say putting my hands up in the air. They all laugh at me. Gemma looks at me and smiles widely!

"Oh Harry! I miss you! But I only live like 2 miles away from you! It's crazy!" She says. Olivia chuckles.

"Trust me! It gets a bit annoying having him for a neighbor! No offense Harry!" I give her a death glare.

"Well at least you don't have to deal with him all day!" Louis smirks. I roll my eyes and turn around. I feel two large hands go around my waist.

"In just kidding, babe! I'm not that mean!" He whispers in my ear while rocking me back and forth. I close my eyes.

"I love you Louis! So, so much!" I say.

"I love you too Harry! More than you!" He says. I smirk! He's probably right! He leaves my side to join the girls in the living room. I finish up the tea and go into the living room. Olivia and Gemma are sitting on the couch while Louis is sitting on the love seat. I sit next to him and he puts his muscular arm around my shoulders. I lean back! Gemma grabs her tea cup.

"So Louis! How's your family?" Gemma asks.

"Great! They miss me but they said if I'm happy then their happy! I'm good with that!" He shifts closer to me. Gemma winks at me. I snort.

"How's mom and stepdad doing?" I ask Gemma. She looks down to the ground.

"She hurt her leg and is in the hospital, recovering!" She sighs. I nod. There's a moment of silence with nothing said.

"Well my mom is taking my brother to his soccer game! I'm free for about 5 hours! Lets fucking do something!" She gets up! Gemma looks at her completely shocked.

"She's right guys! Lets do something fun! TWITCAM!" Gemma yells while grabbing my laptop!

"Yeah! Great idea Gem!" Olivia says. Louis laughs and goes to sit with them. I do the same. Then were on camera.

"Hey guys! Gemma, Olivia, Harry, and Louis here! We are bored. So, so, so bored!" Gemma says.

"We aren't that bored, Gemma just exaggerating! Don't listen to her!" Louis coos. I giggle.

"Oh here's a question! Would you rather be who you are now with paparazzi or normal with no paparazzi?" Olivia asks. Louis furrows his eyebrows together. This is easy!

"I would rather be normal but still sing! It would be hard without me singing! I wouldn't be able to live!" I say. Louis snaps his fingers.

"Exactly Harry! Good point! I agree!" Louis says. Another thing pops up. I read it slowly and carefully. It reads,"Louis just stop! You suck balls! Literally! You are a bitch! Harry deserves better!" I slam the computer shut.

"What was that for Haz?" Louis asks. I fiddle with my fingers.

"Um well there was a bad tweet that was offending you and I didn't like it!" I say very low. My eyes stay to the ground. Louis grabs my face.

"Thanks!" He smiles! When Louis opens the computer again it's crushed. Then I notice its not mine. Louis flushes with anger.

"Harry! Why?!" He complains. I sit there just looking down. Gemma gets up.

"Olivia and I are going to be in the guest bedroom if you need anything!" She says running up with Olivia. I gulp.

"40." He says. I get up and bend over the couch. I deserve this. He gets up and goes to my bum. I whimper at his touch. His hand comes down hard on my bum. I yell out in pain. He just keeps on going. It's still sore from all the others. When he gets to my sit spots I whimper and cry. When we get to 35 he stops.

"But Lou that was only 35. I thought you said 40?" I say as he scoops me up. I burry my head into his soft, warm neck. He strokes my hair.

"But you were in pain. To much pain. I couldn't take it!" He says. I kiss him full on the lips. The soft lips move in sync with my plump ones. He lays me down. I grab his neck.

"Take a nap. Gemma is occupied and you need more sleep! Please?" He sighs.

"Fine!" I roll over and fall asleep immediately.


Well my friend said I couldn't get more followers than her. Yeah right! We'll see about that's! Follow me! Haha! Thanks for all the reads! 1.2k reads! Thank you all!

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