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I just had a sucker before bed! Never do that! Ever! I am acting like I'm freaking high! And I can't sleep! Well sorry for that craziness! Lets go on with the story shall we?

Harry's pov..

A few days after the craziness happened it happened. All the magazines are talking about us. I was on the front cover of one with it saying in all caps,"HARRY STYLES IN JAIL?" Then one with Louis and it saying,"SOMEONE TRYING TO POISON LOUIS?" One with Liam that says, "LIAM'S KIDNEY HAVING PROBLEMS?" One with Niall, "NIALL IN A CAR WREK?" One with Zayn, "ZAYN BEING THE SUPERHERO FOR NIALL!" Of course Zayn gets the best one! I get the worst. Simon talked to us about all of it. We finally got it through to him that it was all just a accident. Except the jail thing. That was really my fault. I just can't believe that they got all of it! I mean I never see them! I fucking hate paparazzi! They suck! I'm with Justin on this one. They need to back off! Literally! Louis wraps his arms around me.

"It's okay baby. People will get over it." He says from behind me. He kisses my cheek.

"I know it's just frustrating! I hate paparazzi!" I scream. He calms me with his run on my stomach. Niall limps in.

"Hey Ni! How's the ankle?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Okay I guess. Do we have any chips?" He asks. I laugh and hand them to him.

"Thank Haz!" He says limping out. I sigh when he leaves.

"It's so awkward around me and Niall now after the jail thing now!" I say.

"Haz! Did you not just see what you did? You guys are fine Haz! Here! Niall come here!" Louis screams. I shake my head. Niall walks in.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Is everything fine between you and Harry?" Louis asks.

"Yeah! Why? Harry? There is nothin awkward! It's okay Harry I'm here if you need me! I'm so sorry though! Justin said sorry to me like a million times before he left on his tour! Everything is fine!" He says opening his arms. I walk into them and give him a big hug.

"I love you Haz!" He says.

"I love you too Ni!" We let go and he limps back out. I smile at Louis!

"You are the best boyfriend ever Lou!" I say jumping on him. He laughs and kisses me. We let go.

"Harry I'll be right back! I'm going to get groceries! Love you!" He says. I sigh.

"Okay! Love you too! Bye Lou!" And he's out the door. I walk up stairs to where Zayn is.

"Hey Zayn!" I say as I walk in.

"Hey jail freak!" He says. I frown.

"That's not very nice!" I say.

"Come on! The superhero is just joking!" He laughs again.

"Stop this shit Zayn! Seriously I'm done!" I say.

"Aww Harry a little mad?" He asks. I grunt.

"I'm warning you!"

"Oh! I'm scared!" He says. That's it. I tackle him.

"Harry!" He screams. I pull at his hair and smack his arm.

"I warned you bitch!" I say. Liam walks in. He tries to get us off but it doesn't work. I punch Zayns arm. He winces.

"Stop Harry!" Zayn yells. I dont. He pissed me off! Just then Louis walks in. I stop then.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asks. I shrug.

"Zayn called me jail freak!i got mad and tackled him."

"He pulled my hair. And punched me!" Zayn says.

"I was trying to get them off each other!" Liam says. Louis growls.

"Harry, our room! You guys go other places!" Louis says walking out. I follow Louis. Knowing what I'm getting I rub my bum. Poor bum! We go into our room.

"Harry strip please!" I take off my pants.

"Why would you attack Zayn? That's so irresponsible!" He says. I bend over the bed. Louis lands his first swat on my sit spot.

"Ow!" I squeal!

"20 more!" Louis says. I sigh. 20 hits! Of course. By ten I'm crying out because he hit my sensitive spots. It hurts badly.

"Stop Louis! Please!" I beg. He goes through. At 20 he stops and scoops me up in his arms. He cradles me. I cry into his neck. Liam walks in.

"Niall fell!" He says. Louis and I both get up and go for Niall.

"Can't wait for tonight!" Louis whispers. I gasp. Yeah! Now I'm actually excited!


Okay so as you can tell sex in the next chapter! Enjoy please! Thanks, love you guys!

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