Love Hurts

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3.2k reads! That's amazing! And my weird buddy is now @directioner000005! She's awesome! Okay so enjoy! And sorry for the wait lovelies!

Harry's pov..

We get to the hospital and Niall limps out crying with any weight he puts on his ankle. The boys and I just pick him up after he almost falls again. The doctors must have been wrong. It's much more than just a sprained ankle. I mean he can barely even walk on it! We get him in the doors.

"Can I help you boys?" A doctor asks.

"Yeah! Niall here got in a car accident and went to a hospital. The doctor there told us that he just needed to rest for a bit. Just today he fell. He says he can't move it and it feels like it's broken. Could you take a look for us?" Zayn says.

"Yeah sure! You boys can bring him on in if you want!" We do and lay him on the bed. His ankle literally just droops. The doctor gets out some supplies. We sit there watching Niall scream in pain while the doctor messes with it. Once she's done she looks at us with a worried look.

"Okay so bad news. It does seem broken. We will take some tests and X-rays! Niall needs some sleep. You guys can go on home! We will tell you all about it in the morning! Thanks so much for bringing him in!" She says.

"No problem doctor! Thanks for you help!" Liam says shaking her hand. We all walk over to Niall.

"You gonna be okay here buddy?" Zayn asks. Niall nods.

"Yeah! Guys jut remember that I love you! I'll be fine even if I do have a broken leg! Don't worry! I'm fine!" Niall says waving his hand.

"Okay Ni! Night mate!" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. The boys all say their night and we head on out. Liam driving again, Zayn in the front. Louis and I in the back. Louis puts his hand on my thigh.


"Shh." Louis hushes me. I stay quiet. Until he starts moving his hand up. I get tingles everywhere. I turn to look at him and his lips crash into mine. I moan and put my hands on his cheeks. His hands go to my thighs. Zayn and Liam don't even hear. His tongue slips into my mouth smoothly. I groan. His soft movements and gestures on my thighs that he's doing are giving me the shivers. The kissing gets more like a romantic one. Not like a heated, sex one just romantic. His lips touching mine kinda one. And to my opinion these are the best. They are lovely and sweet. I love my Louis! He's my everything! He kisses my neck once and looks me in the eyes.

"Harry I love you so much! No one will ever compare to you! Ever! You are the icing to my cupcake. I don't want you to forget that. Whatever we do in life I will always think of you. My one and only Harry." He says happily and dreamy. Happy tears spring to my eyes. Uh, more crying. I laugh! He hugs me and kisses me on the nose.

"Louis, I can trust you like no one else! You are the sprinkles to my icing! You are kind and caring and sweet! My heart belongs with you and always will! I love you so much Lou! Don't forget that!" I say back. He also has a few tears. We kiss once more before Zayn says something.

"Aw you guys are so adorable! You even have Liam crying! You guys are the best!" He says. Liam sniffs.

"Yeah! Those are some powerful words guys! Seriously! Very powerful!" I look to Louis. He smiles and lays my head on his lap. I fall asleep thinking about Louis and our future.


The surprise will be coming out soon! Trust me! I hope you guys enjoy! Love y'all!

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