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So @PaigeMcwilliams I think. Lol anyways, she said that she wants more of Stephanie.... And I'm sure y'all do to. So this chapter is going to have A lot of her. Now next book there will be a lot more also because they're not going to be on tour or anything. So thx Paige for requesting that! Okay so let's get on with this story. I think this going to be the last chapter. I'll let you know later tho

Harry's POV...

"Stephanie started crying when you left. She was really hurt." Zayn speaks up behind me. A smile creeps up at the mention of my baby. Her beautiful blond curls and light blue eyes light up my world!

"Well I can't wait to see her!" I say. I feel bad for just leaving her. I mean, it's not my fault but I should probably be more cautious.

We all step into the elevator and press the number 5. As we slowly start to go up, I feel Louis' arm slip around my waist to hug them. I lean back into his touch and close my eyes, enjoying the freedom while it lasts.

"Daddy?" I hear Stephanie's voice say outside the elevator. I quickly open my eyes and fall onto my knees.

"Yes, it's me baby!" She smiles and covers her mouth.

"I thought you left me..." I frown at her words and shake my head.

"I would never leave you, Princess! You know I would never do that." She wraps her arms around my neck tightly. I pull her up into a hug, pulling her off the ground with me. Louis steps around me to walk into the hotel room. I smirk and kiss her check lightly.

"Aunt Perrie taught me how to do a butterfly kiss!" She cheers. I chuckle!

"Could you give me a butterfly kiss?" I ask. She nods and presses her eyelashes gently to my cheek. I giggle at the contact and start walking back to our room. To be honest, I can't believe she's still up.

"Hey Steph? Aren't you tired?" I ask. Right when she nods a big long yawn leaves her mouth.

"Yah, I think it's time for you to go to bed. Wanna sleep in Louis and I's room tonight?" I question. She always sleeps with Zayn and Perrie but tonight I want her in our room.

"Yah yah yah!!" She claps her hands jumping around in my arms. I try to keep her steady in my arms but fail and almost drop her. Stupid Harry... I think.

"C'mon guys, Toy Story is on the tv!" Louis squeals peeking out from behind the half closed door. Stephanie jumps out if my arms and runs into the room bouncing on our bed and planting her self in the middle of the bed.

"Just a second princess. Be just a second!" Louis kisses her forehead making her giggle. He comes towards me and pushes me back out into the hall.

"You doing okay babe?" He asks pecking my lips softly. I nod and hold my side groaning at the pain.

"Yah, it hurts just a tad though. Not enough to stop me from doing what I love!" I wink at him! He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down for a long passionate kiss. I grab his cheeks and caress them gently.

"I love you!" Louis whispers in my ear lovingly. I smile...

"I love you too baby. Always will..."

We both walk back into the room, hand in hand. Stephanie is laughing at the T-Rex trying to clap on the screen. She waves her hand for me to join her.

Without thinking, I jump onto the bed. I hit my side and wince in pain making Louis look at me suddenly worried.

"Be careful Harold! You're going to get hurt even more!" He warns. I nod and hold my side carefully. Stephanie looks at me and whimpers out, "Are you okay daddy? Are you... dying?" She asks it quietly and softly. Almost like a a need quickly going through your skin.

"No Steph, I am not dying. I promise!" I say sticking up my pinkie. She takes it into her small one and smiles.

"I love you daddy!" She says kissing my cheek. I blush and kiss her back giving her a loving squeeze. I feel the air conditioning turn on and in automatically gets 10 times colder.

There's a constant breeze that flows swiftly from one side of the room to the next, keeping it as cold as a nice box at all times.

"I'm cold." Stephanie shivers and I see goose bumps form on her neck. I pull the blankets out from underneath her and pull them over her head. This action makes her giggle! I tickle her up and down making her warmer.

"Let me get in there!" Louis picks up Stephanie and lays her on his lap. He pulls the cover over both of their bodies.

"C'mere." Louis mumbles pulling me into his side. I snuggle close into Louis' side and put my hand over Stephanie.

"Daddy," She looks at Louis with a smile. "Are we a good family?" She asks making her lips form an O. Louis chuckles patting her head.

"Of course not!" He says making a frown appear on my face. He looks to me and glares into my eyes.

"We're a perfect family!" My dimples reappear and so dot Stephs. But she still has something on her mind, I can tell.

"But nobody's perfect." Louis is now faced with a difficult question that I'm leaving up to him. I honestly don't know how I answer this question.

He thinks for minute before speaking slowly, "Fine then, we are a loving family that loves each other. Is that good?" He asks with a smirk. Stephanie smiles from ear to ear and nods her head.

"Oh yes, it's wonderful!"

**1 hour later**

Louis and Stephanie have finally fallen asleep and I have to admit, they look adorable! They're both really little and cute! My two favorite people sleeping right here next to me is truly a blessing.

I have to admit... My feelings for everyone has grown stronger. I've noticed that everyone around me has influenced me in a good way.

Especially Louis. That guys has saved me and my life. He's the guy I've been waiting for my whole life. He turned my life upside down in many ways. He has taught me good and bad and has lead me through good and bad. And I could never thank him enough! My love will always be my love, through sickness and in health!

And wit Stephanie in my life, I've noticed that I need to become more responsible. Everything in my life has changed now that I have my baby girl. And I'm glad for that!

I decide to get up to go to the bathroom before falling asleep. I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake Louis and Stephanie up.

But in the action, I bang my knee on the table next to my bed making me fall.

"Oh fuck!! Shit that hurt oh-" I cover my mouth and become quiet. I look over the bed and see that Louis is still sound asleep. I stand up and sigh in relief.

"Harold, get back here right now!" Louis scolds. I groan and shake my head.

I still have A LOT to learn don't I?


So thats the ending to this book I think!

First off, I love you guys so much! You guys have been very nice and caring! I don't really think I got any hate on this book! Hopefully not the second one... But thanks again for everything you guys have done for this book! Voting, commenting, and sharing it with others! I love y'all so much and hope you read the second one! It's going to be called Why? Because Love Lasts Forever! I can't tell you how thankful I am! Love you all!!! The book should be up soon, just keep checking for the next update on this book bc that's when the first chapter to the next book will be! Thanks


Why? Because i love you so much! (Larry spanking fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now