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Harry's pov..

We rush to the hospital. Louis is in the back squirming and screaming. I will say I'm pretty nervous. We pull into the hospitals parking lot and get out. I go back to Louis.

"Louis! You are going to have to help me, okay? We need to get you outside so Zayn and I can pick you up? Okay!?" He slowly nods like he can't speak. My eyes are watering just a bit. I mean who wouldn't be scared for your boyfriend that's really sick from something you don't know? Louis sits up and moans. I grab his arm and help him get on his knees. He looks so helpless. His sweet blue eyes look sad.

"Who are you?" He asks. My heart drops.

"Louis just come on!" I say with my eyes starting to water even more. He looks at me confused but gets out of the car. Liam looks at me.

"Are you okay mate?" He asks. Zayn helps him stand up while I go hug Liam.

"He doesn't remember me, Liam! He's losing memory!" I scream/cry. Liam hugs me tight.

"Maybe it's just side affects! He says comforting me. I think about it and nod. That could be a possibility! I help Zayn get Louis into the hospital. A doctor rushes up to us when she sees us.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"My boyfriend drank contaminated water and is now a little high and looks sick. We don't know what happened or what it was." I say. Liam stumbles in. He falls to the ground.

"LIAM?!" I yell. I lift his head. To much moving around. Zayn starts to get tears. Te doctor already took Louis back with her. Another doctor comes rushing out with a stretcher.

"Excuse me sir." He picks Liam up and puts him on the bed.

"Has he had any problems lately?" The doctor asks checking Liam.

"Well he has one kidney and the doctor said for him to not be moving around to much." Zayn crackles. I also get teary eyed. Louis and now Liam? How could this day get any worse. Liam is still breathing though.

"Okay! We will let you know about him! Thanks!" She says before rolling him off. I sit down in a chair slowly. Zayn doing the same. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and look at it.

Niall calling.

I answer it and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Help me Harry! Save me! Come get me! Please!" Niall screams.

"Niall what's the matter?!" I ask.

"I got in a car accident! Please! I'm on Caroway street! By the yellow house! Please come?!" He asks/begs. I look to Zayn.

"Okay! Love you Ni! See you there! Don't die!" I say before hanging up. Tears are rushing down my face by now!

"Zayn go get Niall on caroway street!he got in a car accident! Call 911! Go!" I say. Zayn pops out of his seat and leaves. I'm sitting there crying my eyes out. My day did get worse! The doctor I saw take Louis away comes over to me.

"Mr. Styles?" She asks. I nod and look up.

"Um Louis would like to see you!" She says. I jump up and follow her to the room. I go into the room and look at him. His eyes are barely open.

"Baby!" He whispers. I run over to him crying. I hug and kiss him. His smile cheers me up a bit.

"Um we found out that someone put bath soap and alcohol mixed together in the water and it ran all the way to yours. He should be okay but sick for about a week." She says. I smile ad rub his cheek. He smiles weakly at me. The doctor left.

"I'm so sorry Harry!" Louis croaks out.

"What for?" I ask. I really have no clue.

"For spanking you so many times. It was wrong! I was drunk, high, and soaped but I feel bad. I love you so much Harry! Never forget it Harry!"

"I love you too Lou! So, so, so much!" I look at him with his blue eyes being back to normal.

"Where's the others?" He asks. I then get a worried look in my eye.

"Harry what's wrong?" He asks.

"Liam, Niall!" I scream running out. I spot Liam's doctor.

"Is Liam okay?" I ask. She has a sorry look on her face.

"He died immediately. We couldn't save him! I'm so sorry." I stop moving. My whole body stops. I'm balling on the floor. My body goes limp and I fall completely on the ground.


I wake up on Louis' lap. I'm crying and all sweaty. Oh. My. God. It was just a dream. But what about Liam? Is he still living? I get up and run out of the room and down the hall to where his room is. The doctor is standing there.

"Doctor? Is Liam okay?" I ask.

"Yes! Liam is doing fine but needs to have surgery done! He can't be visited until 2 days from now but I will assure. You he's doing fine! Trust me!" She says. I sigh of relief. I go back to Louis' room where he is still sleeping. I smile and curl up next to him. I fall asleep this time dreaming of someone else. Niall.


His dream will be in the next update! Did I scare you? I know! I was thinking about making it real but i decided not to! Thanks guys! Sorry! Will be updating soon!

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