Tour? But we have a wedding!!

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Have any of you seen the new Best Song ever video? Omfg I was about to pee my pants! It's hilarious! I'm not kidding! I love that song and video! This one kinda talks about it. So if you haven't heard it or seen it then don't read! Haha! But really, you have been warned! Thanks! Enjoy!

Harry's pov..

"And we danced all night to the Best Song Ever!" I sing out loud for everyone to hear. They all clap. I feel so special! Hehe, just kidding! We have Ben writing this song for awhile now. Us boys. Although this is the only part we've come up with. Stephanie is with Olivia. We have a tour coming up in like a week. When I get home I'm spending every moment with her! I'm going to miss her. I just don't think we should take her yet. I don't know though. Louis snaps his fingers.

"Maybe it the way she walked! Into my heart and stole it!" He sings. I smile. His voice is lovely. Simon is kinda listening. We are in the studio just hanging out.

"She said her name was Georgia Rose!" Liam sings out.

"I know you know I know you remember me." Zayn sings. We all smile and bob our heads. Simon starts paying more attention.

"I asked could you give it back to me? She said never in your wildest dreams!" Niall sings out perfectly.

"Boys! That's perfect! Great job! What are you going to name this song?" He asks. I think about it a bit.

"And we danced all night to the Best Song Ever. I got it! We should name it Best Song Ever!" I jump up. They all nod in agreement.

"We should make a funny video for this one!" Niall says nodding and smiling about it!

"Yeah! We should!" Liam adds.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Lets start recording!" Zayn says. We get up and go out to Simon.

"I was flipping through beats and I like this one!" He says starting to play it. Louis wraps his arm around my waist. I smile at him and kiss him. He kisses back and we listen closely. I think it's perfect!

"Can you okay it on you guitar Ni?" I ask. He listens some more and nods.

"Yeah! Lets do this!" We head in and go to our mics. Niall starts with the music.

"Maybe it's the way she walked! Straight into my heart and stole it!" I sing. They boys all look at me in shock! The music stops.

"Holy shit Harry that was perfect! You get that part!" Simon says. We all laugh and high five!

"I'll be right back! Let me go get something out of the car real quick!" I say grabbing the keys.

"Don't be long!" Louis says winking. I laugh as I close the door. I go out to the car.

Die hard directioners pov..

I see him walk out in black skinny jeans and a white buttoned up shirt. I cover my mouth and run up to him. He doesn't even notice me. He's getting something out of the car. I look at his ass. That perfect ass! Oh god! He turns around. I kiss him.

Harry's pov..

I turn around and feel someone press their lips to mine. At first I think it's Louis but I see its a girl. I try to pull away but she won't let me. I start grunting. She keeps on kissing me. I feel disgusted. Just then I push her.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. I close and lock the car. When I face the building Louis is standing there with tears in his eyes.

"Lou." I say. He turns and runs inside.

"See what you did bitch? You are such a slut." She frowns. I push her and run inside. Liam, Niall and Zayn are all standing by the bathroom.

"What the hell did you do?" Niall asks coming towards me. I back up a bit. Liam and Zayn follow Niall.

"I girl came up and kissed me!" I say. They snort.

"She just kissed you?" Liam asks. I nod.

"Louis. In gay. I would never kiss a girl. That's disgusting! She just came up and kissed me as I was turning around." I say. The door opens to reveal a red eyes Louis.

"How can I trust you now? How do I know your gay anymore? How can I love you?" He asks crying. Liam looks at me with teary eye also.

"Lou! Trust me! She just came up and kissed me! I swear!" I say, tears building in my eyes. Simon comes out.

"You can go home if you want. You don't have to stay here." He says patting Louis' shoulder. I sigh. Niall pasts me while hitting my shoulder. I look at him with tears.

"Ni?" I ask.

"Harry, you hurt him on this one. I can't believe you! Your a heartbreaker!" Niall screams running out. I get why. This is tearing up the band. Zayn pasts me too.

"Think about it Harry!" Liam stays where he is. He come up into my face.

"Harry! I love you! But you messed up on this one mate! Really messed up." He says also passing me. I start to ball.

"Why won't any of you believe me!! I'm telling the fucking truth! Please!!! Trust me!" I cry. Louis goes out of the room crying. I sit there with my legs curled up into me while crying. Why don't they believe me? It hurts me. Badly that I can't be trusted! It hurts me feelings inside. I might look hot and sexy but on the inside I'm delicate. Very delicate and fragile. One little crack could completely break me. I get up and go out to the car. Louis is sitting in the front. I get in while wiping my tears. Louis doesn't even look at me.

"Louis in telling the truth!" I beg.

"Harry, just stop, okay? Please, you've said enough!" He snaps. I drive home and run inside.

"Daddy......H?" Stephanie says.

"Harry what's wrong?" Olivia asks. I wipe my tears.

"Everyone hates me! Even my fiancé! Hates me! I'm telling the truth! Why me!!!" I scream. My vision gets blurry. Louis slowly walks in.

"We have to cancel our wedding." He says before I black out and fall onto the floor.


Okay well I will be updating soon! Thanks people! Love you all!

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