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I know I'm really annoying you right now but if Harry or Louis were to read this they would probably hate me. This whole Larry Stylinson thing is going over the top. Not to say that I'm not a fan of Larry but I know that they are not gay. Louis even said he's not going to be able to treat Harry like he used to because of this. I don't want that to happen and I hope you don't either. People are becoming way to attached to the Larry thing. Yes, you can make fan fics, but it's tearing them apart. Their best friends. They don't deserve this. And even if they were gay its not right to hate either. Make fan fics and all but don't tweet them about it. Then they really will hear about it. I'm continuing this book but I would like to say I feel bad for them. But I do have a crush on Larry. My favorite boy out of the band is Harry. But seriously peeps, cool it on the whole Larry thing. If I were to talk to them I would let them know that I might be a fan of Larry but I do not think their gay and I really like both of them! Their my favorite boys in the band! Seriously! I'm sorry if you don't agree with me but yeah! I'm thankful for all of you reading my book! Love you all lovelies! I just had to put that out there! Thanks for listening! Love you all! And I especially love 1D!


Why? Because i love you so much! (Larry spanking fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now