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Sorry if this one makes you hate me! Just trying to make this story interesting and also dramatic!
Harry's pov..
I wake up to a dark room. Everyone is there including my mom.
"Guys?" I ask.
"Harry. We have bad news." Liam says. I try to get up but am tied down. What the hell?
"Why the hell am I tied up?" I ask a little scared. Louis gets up.
"We're not getting married." He says. I start to get a few tears.
"I hate you!" Olivia screams.
"You are the worst person ever!" Niall screams in my face.
"Guys, stop, please!" I beg.
"You are a bitch!" Zayn yells. Now I'm crying.
"We all think you deserve to die." Liam says in his kind voice.
"NO! PLEASE NO!" I yell tugging at the rope. It burns. Blood is dripping down my arm.
"Stop! I don't love you!" My mom says. Now I'm downright crying. It hurts.
"I fucking hate you daddy H!" I gasp while crying.
"Steph? Lou?" I ask. They come closer. I try to back away but it doesn't happen.
"STOP! PLEASE STOP! IM BEGGING YOU! I LOVE ALL OF YOU JUST PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" I scream crying. Blood is everywhere on my body now.

"We all hate you Haz! Get over it. We all agreed to kill you!" Louis says with a smirk. I struggle to get out. This can't be happening.
"I love you Louis!" I whimper. He shakes his head.
"To bad!" He says. I cry out loud.
"HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream. No one hears. Why is this happening to me? They are on top of me. Louis puts the gun to my head and bang. Black.
Sorry so violent. I'll be updating soon! Sorry for this chapter! The next one will be a bit better!

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