Big mouth

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Louis wakes up with a loud snore. He grabs the sheets next to him to find no one there. Where's Harry? Louis sits up and stretches. Harry isn't in the room. Where could he be? Louis gets up and slips on some sweats before heading downstairs. He ruffles his hair. He walks into the kitchen to see Harry eating cereal. Although, Harry didn't look very happy.

"Good morning, baby!" Louis cheers. Harry looks up.

"Morning." Harry mumbles. Louis frowns. Something is wrong. Harry usually isn't like this.

"What's up Haz?" Louis asks. Harry just snorts.

"Nothing." He gets up to put his bowl in his sink. Louis gets his tea from yesterday out.

"Babe I know when something's not right!" Louis says taking a sip of tea.

"Just shut up Louis. I'm in no mood to be talking!" Harry groans. Louis almost drops his cup. Harry goes into the living room. Louis follows.

"Excuse me, Styles?" Louis furrows his eyebrows. Harry sits down.

"Whatever Louis. Just get the fuck away from me.." Harry slows down. Now Louis slams his cup down. Harry gulps.

"Harold Edward Styles! I told you about the cussing. It's not acceptable!" Louis screams. Harry waves his hand.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? I am free to do whatever the fuck I want to do, you bitch!" Harry yells standing up. Now Louis is furious but is also sad. Does Harry really think he's a bitch?

"Harry. Stop, please!" Louis whines.

"No you little fuck! You are just a piece of shit! I can't believe you! You kissed another guy! You ass hole cheater! I fucking hate you, Tomlinson! Stay away from me!" Harry starts to cry. Louis is mad and sad and confused.

"What are...?"

"Don't even act like it! Louis you kissed another guy! On the cheek of course but I front of fans! Are you cheating?!" He shows me the picture. I look closely. Seriously, it's only Liam!

"That is Liam Harry! You were there when we did it!" Louis snaps clearly mad. Harry gulps.

"Doesn't look like Liam." Harry says quieter.

"Well it is. Now what did you call me?" Louis asks. Louis is a little sad. Harry is still crying a little. He can't take it.

"A bitch, ass hole, piece of shit, fucker!" Harry yells. Louis is flushed with anger. Harry covers his mouth.

"Strip and bend over now!" Louis yells. Harry does and whimpers. Louis has a belt.

"No Louis! Please! Please!" He begs.

"Hush Harry! You brought this upon yourself! Not me." He yells bringing the belt down. Harry yells out in pain but Louis doesn't stop. He deserves this! Louis just keeps on going. Harry screams out on 60.

"LOUIS PLEASE IM SORRY!" Harry yells. Louis stops. Harry is crying in a ball on the floor. He is a crying mess. Louis looks at him. He feels a little bad. Harry is hurt. Harry wants his boyfriend to grab him and cradle him. But he doesn't. Harry looks up. Louis is gone. He just disappeared. He hiccups. He whines when he gets up. His bum is so sore.

"LOUIS?" He calls out. No reply.

"LOUIS PLEASE!?" Louis storms downstairs.

"I'm sleeping in the basement! Don't talk to me. Stay away! Please!" He says before storming downstairs. Harry stands there while crying.

"STUPID HARRY! NOW HE HATES YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOU ARE THE WORST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD!" Harry screams. Louis hears this. His heart is braking. Did Harry mean the words he called him? Louis just laid down and cradled himself. He then fell asleep quickly but quietly.


I think I'm going to start doing povs! Should I? Let me know! Thanks!

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