Birthday Surprise

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Harry's pov..

I wake up alone in my bed. My smile fades. Then I remember what day it is. My birthday! I'm officially 19!! One more year till 20! Louis will be 22 this year. Speaking of Louis, where is he? Just then he walks in.

"Hey Harry! You should get up! We have to be at the interview at 10:00 this morning! Lets go!" He says. I frown. Why is he acting this way? He waves his hand.

"Okay! I'm getting up!" I say jumping up. I go to the bathroom. There's a knock on the door as I'm taking a shower.

"Come in!" I say. Te door opens and I hear someone undressing. Just then Louis appears in the shower.

"Well hello!" I say. He kisses me immediately. I moan. This is so unlike Louis. But you know! What ever he wants to do. I put my hands through his hair and pull. He grabs my thighs and makes me jump. I wrap my legs around his waist. He starts to kiss my neck. Then my chest. He gets so far down then goes back up to my face. He nibbles on my ear.

"You want to?" He asks. I nod and close my eyes.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you baby." He whispers before pushing in slowly. I moan his name softly. He starts to go a bit faster. I put my head on his forehead. The water trickles down his sun kissed chest. The moans keep on coming. Soon I cum on his stomach. Then he comes. We stay like that for a while and just kiss.

"I love you Harry!" He whispers. No happy birthday? That's weird. I smile though.

"I love you to Louis! So much!" He takes me off and sets me down.

"Let me wash you?" He asks. I nod. He starts at my chest and works down. He even does my curly hair. Then I do Louis. I get to feel everyone of his abs. Every girls dream. To touch Louis Tomlinson. Well he's mine and no on else can have him. Mine! We get out and dry off our bodies. Louis has his red skinny jeans with a white blue and red stripped shirt. And of course, can't forget them, suspenders! I wear a blue shirt with a black blazer. And black skinny jeans. He kisses me once more before we go see the other boys.

"I love you Harry!" He says.

"Love you too!" I say a bit annoyed. It's my fucking birthday! Come on! He couldn't have forgotten! Could he? No. I get downstairs. The boys all ignore me. God, what the hell happened?

"Lets go or we'll be late!" Liam complains. The whole way there they don't say a word to me. I get really annoyed. Especially on my birthday. The interview starts and we all go out smiling and waving.

"Hello boys! How are you?" The girl asks. They ask the same old, boring questions. Are you single? What do you do when girls flash you? Do you like the screaming fans? Family? Concerts and upcoming tours? All that shit. But, nothing about my birthday. She didn't even wish me a happy birthday! We all wave good bye as we leave. Right when we get into the car I ask questions.

"What the hell did I do?" I ask. The boys look at me confused.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean, Niall! You guys are fucking ignoring me! I have to have done something?!" I say.

"Harry?!" Louis warns.

"Harry we aren't ignoring you!" Niall says. I snort.

"Look who's talking. Boy with a cast!" I say looking at Nialls brace. Louis is now angry.

"Harold Edward Styles! In the bedroom when we get home! That was so uncalled for!" Louis says.

"Louis you also had been ignoring me! After this morning you stopped." I say. Liam looks around.

"Guys! Harry we aren't ignoring you." He says. I hear sniffing. Nails crying. Shit!

"Ni.." He turns in his seat. I feel really bad now. Zayn looks at me in shock. My attitude needs to die down! I can't control it sometimes! It just comes out! I mentally slap myself for saying those words. When we get home, Lois wasn't kidding about upstairs right when we get there. He pulled me by my hair. I squeal.

"Louis!" Niall comes in limping and crying. I'm the worst friend and boyfriend ever! Niall glances at me being pulled and looks away after a quick glance.

"Harry! You get 45 for all the mean things you said as the cussing! You need to learn!" Louis sighs. I pull down my pants. Louis pats his lap. I climbs over it and he starts.

"Harry! You can be such a brat!" He screams. I cry out in pain as the feeling of his hand hitting my bare bottom. It hurts so bad. But I say that about every spanking. And I mean every one! At 40 I feel fire on my bum. Literally! Louis does that 5 more really fast. Then scoops me up. I cry into his shoulder as he rocks me back and forth. His hands comforting me.

"It's okay baby! I'm done. It's over with!" Louis coos in my ear. I start to calm down.

"Wanna go downstairs now?" He asks. I nod. When I go downstairs there's no on here.

"SURPRISE!" A bunch of people yell jumping out from behind things. I cover my mouth and smile.

"Louis?" I say.

"Happy birthday baby!" He whispers. I start to get more happy tears. Then I notice. Niall isn't here. I thank a lot of the people. My mom and step dad are here! I kiss my moms cheek!

"Mom! Thanks you!" I say. She kisses me back.

"I love you Harry! I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world!" She says. I also thank Olivia and Gemma for being here. We talk a bit then I take off. To find Niall.


Sorry! Skipped a bit! I hope you enjoy! The surprise will becoming up in like 2 to three more chapters! Maybe! So yeah! Vote, comment, follow! Thanks! Love y'all!

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