Wedding Day

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The wedding will run into the next chap! Thanks! Um and had difficulties so this is like a rerun of the last one! Sorry and thanks!

Harry's pov..

I open my eyes to see a unicorn on a rainbow! I laugh at Stephanie! She always makes me laugh. Then I remember. It's our Wedding Day!! Oh my god!

"LOUIS!" I scream pouncing on him. He jerks up holding his crotch.

"Jesus Christ Haz!" He says.

"Sorry, but today is our Wedding!" I practically scream. He smiles!

"It is isn't it!" He says leaning in for a kiss. I move towards him and kiss him. The kiss is full of love! Not hunger for more, just love and care. The door quietly opens.

"Guys! Get up! The wedding is in 6 hours and your not even set up yet!" I see Liam say. Louis and I laugh! Then Stephanie comes in.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!" She screams in our faces. We all laugh!

"Okay! Let me go get dressed first, you to baby, and lets get moving!" Louis says getting up. I wink at Stephanie giving her a giant hug! She leaves the room afterwards and I get up to go take a shower. Louis is in there. I get undresses and hop in with him.

"Hi babe!" He says giving me a kiss. I kiss back and touch his smooth back. The feeling of his abs and tan soft skin against my chest feels amazing. The kiss deepens with his tongue slipping into my mouth. There's little moaning. Louis pulls me as close as we can get.

"I love you so much Harry!" He says. I blush.

"I love you too Lou! Way more than you would think!" I say giving him a peck. He gets out shampoo and puts it in my hair. I feel the soap run down my back. He rubs it into my hair. I do his hair. My long fingers running through his soft, smooth hair. He moans at the contact. I chuckle to myself! We then do each others bodies. When he gets down to my erection I moan loudly. He laughs.

"Sorry, on our honey moon though, I promise baby!" He says. I nod in agreement. He does my chest slowly and runs his hands over my abs. When I'm doing Louis I can't contain myself. I keep touching his abs and his bum. He is known to have a girly bum. And to be truthful, he really does! But that's what turns me on. His oh so perfect bum is so hot. After we rinse we get out to dry.

"That was awesome! We should do it more often!" Louis offers.

"Hell yeah!" I say. He laughs pulling me in once more. His hair is still dripping and drops on my forehead as we kiss. As I've said before, our lips fit together like a puzzle piece. We were meant to be together. And I love that feeling. We get out and Louis gets dressed really quickly. Then he leaves.

"Where are you going?" I ask. He looks at me and walks over, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"I'll see you at the wedding! But right now I have to leave. I promise I'll see you there. Love you!"

"Love you to!" I say. He closes the door behind him. I get on some black skinny jeans and a orange t-shirt. I fix my hair and go downstairs.

"Ready?" Liam asks. I look at him confused.

"I'm driving you to the wedding. You will be dressed and everything there. Louis told me to. I thought he told you?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Nope, only that he would see me there." I say.

"Okay, we'll he's there also getting ready! Come on! We don't have much time!" He says. I grab my phone and get into the car. As we're heading there I look at the tweets I've gotten past the whole week. Here are some I read,

"@Harry Styles awww! You and Louis are going to have an amazing wedding! Love you all!"

"@Harry Styles you fucking suck! I payed to see you in concert and now I have to wait? Thanks!"

"@Harry Styles have a great wedding day! Love you!"

"@Harry Styles I want you to have an amazing day!"

"@Harry Styles I hate you so much. You are gay and fucking ass ugly! Hate your guts!" Wow! Wide variety. But the ones that are mean actually hurt me. I got a death threat once. Nothing happened but I was self cautioned.

"Here we are!" Liam says parking the car. I look up and see a beautiful outside building surrounded by flowers. It's like a dream wedding. There's a building for the groom and well in this case, groom to stand. It's so beautiful. Tears already start to form in my eyes and the wedding hasn't even started. Liam grabs my hand.

"Lets go get you dressed!" He says pulling me into a building that is small but has my suit and a few things in it. A girl walks in.

"Hello, I'm Lucy! You must be Harry?" She asks. I nod politely!

"Do you want me to step out?" Liam asks.

"Yeah. The guests should be arriving soon! Keep an eye and when they do tell them to sit anywhere please! Thank you Liam for helping so much!" Lucy says helping him out.

"Thanks Li!" I say. He nods and goes out.

"Okay, lets do this thing!" Lucy says. I take a deep breath and look at the suit. I'm getting married.


Sorry for the wait! I promise I will update soon! The wedding is coming up next chapter! Thanks for everything! Love y'all!

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