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Harry's pov..

When we get home Stephanie is asleep. Liam carries her in and takes her up to her bed. Louis grabs my arm.

"Harry. Our room, now please!" He says. I sigh and go upstairs. I pop into Stephanie's room and see her sleeping. I go over to her bed and kiss her forehead.

"Love you baby girl!" I says and go straight to our room. Louis comes in and sits down on the bed next to me.

"Haz! I'm going to spank you for what you said to the judge. You could go to jail for that kind of crap! And ugh I would also like to tell you something." He says slowly. I look at him confused.

"What is it babe?" I ask. He grabs my hand.

"Lets spank first!" He says in a hurry. I nod and get up. I go over his lap and he puts his hand on my bum.

"Harry! It was not nice to say those things to the judge! It was rude." He stars spanking me. I yelp out in pain as my sit spots become unbearable. I whimper and cry out while digging my fingernails into his thighs. He keeps on going. He then alternates between the cheeks. It hurts so badly!

"Ow Lou! That hurts! Please, please stop!" I beg. He ignores me. I hear nothing from him until he stops. I cuddle up into his chest. The only thing is, I hear whimpers coming from him. I sniff and look at him.

"Louis? Baby what's the matter?" I ask. He starts to ball. I grab him and rock him back and forth.

"My mom has cancer Haz! She has cancer!" He screams out. I start to cry also. This is shocking news to me. I never expected my soon to be mother in law to have cancer.

"It's okay Lou. We have to help her get through it. Sh. We can invite her to the wedding. Remember, it's in 2 days! I can't wait!" I whisper in his ear. He nods.

"I guess your right. I love you Harry! So, so much!" He says kissing me on the lips. I kiss back hungrily. Louis ends up on top of me. I gently rub his bum. He moans. My moans also come out as his tongue slips into my mouth. He explores my mouth and lets go.

"I love you Harry! I will always love you. Until the day I die and take my last breath. I promise I will be there for what ever you go through. Just promise me one thing Haz!" He says sweetly as tears well up in my eyes.

"What's that?" I ask.

"That you will love me back and never will leave me." He says. I hug him tightly.

"I promise Lou! I will never leave you! Ever! Don't ever think that I would! I love you as much as a monkey loves bananas." I say chuckling. He chuckles a bit too and kisses my nose.

"Lets go get lunch! I'm starving!" He says lifting me off the bed. I kiss his cheek the way downstairs. I love him. He is beautiful to me!

"I will love you until I die.

I will love you until my last goodbye.

I promise!" Abigail Irene Eaton- me! I made this poem! Do you like it? Well I hope you liked this chapter! I'll be updating soon! Love y'all!

Why? Because i love you so much! (Larry spanking fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now