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So I think I'm going to go to at least 100 parts. Until the next book. And yes, I didn't get 10 votes but I hope I will soon! The limit for this chapter is also 10. Bc I'm bored and want to update this story, your lucky! Okay well here it goes!

Harry's POV..
I stand up pulling my pants over my bum. Louis stares at them like he's in a trance. One girl tries to run away but I grab their hands. I quickly pull them inside and sit them down.

"How the hell did you get in?" I ask/whisper. The girl with brown hair smirks.

"Asked for a key at the front desk. Easy peasy!" She giggles along with the other girls. Teenage girls need to learn about privacy. Big time!

"Okay well first off I wasn't going to fuck him, second of all, that's rude to just barge in like that. Ever heard of privacy?!" Louis flushes with anger. The girls kinda giggle a bit. That just makes me mad.

"You'd better get the fuck out of here bitches! And don't tell a single soul okay? If you do I will call the cops! Louis is right, ITS CALLED PRIVACY!!" I scream in their faces. They look at me like I'm fucking scary. The girl with brown hair nods.

"Good! Now please, LEAVE!" I scream once more. They all push and rush each other out. Louis is just standing there.

"Harold Edward Styles!" Oh not again.

"Hey, I might've cussed a little but at least I saved your ass!" He just stares. Then I'm yanked by the arm and thrown across the bed. I feel a piny feeling. It's a comb.

"Owww! Lou it hurts!" I hear Louis breathing heavily.

"WhY have I told you about the cussing? Harry you have to learn your leason!" He keeps getting harder and harder. It stings more as the slapping a proceeds. I can't take it anymore without begging.

"Please Lou! Please I'll do anything! Just please stop." He starts doing it on my upper thighs. It hurts even more as he gets lower. It feels like my bum is about to explode. He smacks and huge slap right in the middle of my bottom. I'm a crying mess all of the sheets. My breath catches in my throat.

"Please Louis! I beg of you!"

I grip tight onto the sheet knowing that this is the last 10. He does them quickly then throws the brush across the room. He grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap. I cry into his shoulder loudly.

"Shh. I'm sorry baby. I forgive you now. Sh, calm down." He rocks me back and forth holding me in his arms. I hold into him for dear life fearing that if I let go, I will lose him. Louis kisses my forehead.

"What about that nap now?" He asks. I simply slide my pants fully off so there's no sting then climb under the covers. Louis follows closely behind. My back pushes into his chest. I close my eyes. He kisses my lips ever so softly.

"I love you baby. So, so, so much!"

I smile," I love you more!"

Awwww! Okay well I finally reached 400 votes! thanks guys! I love y'all! and guess what time it is? 3:02 AM! I am fucking tired so I'm going to bed! Goidnight!! I'll update soon!

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