Forget It

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Did any if you watch the VMAs? Well fuck the people that booed! And thank god for Lady Gaga! Thank you Lady Gaga for your kind words! Love yah! Now I would like to say that I now have a twitter account and would love for you to follow me @EatonAbb! Thanks peeps! Now enjoy! And congrats to Zayn and Perrie! Love you both!

Harry's pov..

After dinner Stephanie falls asleep. I put her on a chair that is leaned back all the way so it's like a bed. She turns over and sighs. I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Love you sweetie! Sleep tight!" She flinches as I walk away. I go back intothe room and am greeted by Lou Teasdale.

"LOU!" I squeal giving her a great big hug! She laughs and hugs back!

"Hello Harry! It's nice to see you once more! Even though its only been about a week since I have seen you!" I look at her confused.

"Really?" I ask. She nods. I hear soft whimpering coming through a cracked door. As I slowly inch it open Lou is sitting on the floor with a knife and blood stains on his arms. I gasp and grab the knife. I speechless. He looks up at me. His eyes crazy and wild.

"Lou..." He shakes his head. Lou has already went somewhere else. Oh my god. This is just so shocking. I then drop the knife and hit the ground with my knees. He looks hurt. Badly.

"Louis! Why did you do this?" I ask suddenly worried for him. Tears full his eyes.

"I can't.... I just cant..." He starts. I pat his back as he silently cries into my chest. I feel bad for him. I know what this is about.

"Louis. It's okay. Shhh." I whisper in his ear. It's now my turn to be the strong, supportive boyfriend like Louis is to me. I'm grateful for him and need to show it.

"Harry..... I just miss her so much.... I'm sorry....... It's my fault......... Let me cut myself again!" I hug him closer.

"I will never let you cut yourself again! Understand? Never ever will you touch a knife alone. I love you to much to lose you, Louis. You know damn well!" He gives me a glare about the cussing. I just shake my head.

"Louis, you are my everything. I know I've probably said this a million times and I will say it a million times more. I love you more than you think. Always will. It's hard for you right now, as it is for me. I miss Jay a lot." Tears spring into my eyes. Keep it together Harry!

"She was my second mum. It's hard losing someone like that. But you know what? I've forgot about her. I know that sounds a bit harsh but let me explain. I have given my memories and everything about her to the angels. Louis, your mum is in a better place right now. So what you have to do is tell yourself that. Tell yourself that she is fine and in a better place. She still loves you Lou! No doubt about that. You helped her with everything. She's grateful for you! Nonetheless, proud of you. I love you and her so much! I couldn't be anything without you two. You guys changed my life!" I can feel my shirt getting wetter and wetter. I lift up his chin and look him in the eye.

"Don't forget that I love you." He nods. I smile and press our lips together gently. He puts his hands in my hair. The feeling of him taking over my body is overwhelming. The kiss is full of love and passion. He straddles me against the wall.

"Maybe some hot sex will help me." He whispers sending shivers down my spine.

"Really?" I ask back. He nods while licking my neck. I moan loudly. He presses his finger to my lip.

"We are one plane with like 20 other people! You have to be quiet." I nod quietly. The feeling of his cock through his pants rubbing against mine is overwhelming. He smirks.

"Quiet." He whispers into my ear. I close my eyes and furrow my eyebrows. His hot voice always gets me turned on. He rubs me through my pants. My moans come out quietly. Louis looks up and kisses me. He gently slides my pants and boxers off. Then there is a finger slipped inside of me.

"Ohhh." I moan out. He presses his finger to my mouth.

"Sh." I nod and lets him stick another finger in. The feeling is amazing. Then another finger goes in. Dammit. It just feels so good. I quickly slide off Louis' boxers and position myself at his tip. He looks at me shocked.

"Eager are we?" I roll my eyes and slide down. He silently moans and grabs my waist.

"Oh Harreh!" He sighs. I giggle and start to bounce a bit. I hear him losing air.

"Sh." I whisper. He smirks and flips me over so that I'm on my hands and knees. He is behind me. I bear for the pain. He slams into me. I yelp. He just moans. He kisses my back and whispers comforting things in my ear. The pain goes down after a bit and all I feel is love an feelings. It feels so good. Louis slaps my bum once while I whimper. Then I cum all over the floor.

"Oh Louis." Then he moans out releasing inside me. He fills me up and takes it out of me. I lay on his chest.

"Oh Louis. I love you!" He chuckles.

"I love you too babe!"


Sorry so short! But enjoy anyway! Love y'all! Thanks! I'll be updating soon! Promise!

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