Tell Me Something I Dont Know

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The adopting will be coming up real soon! This book is going so fast and I appreciate all the help with it! But it's not even half way done! Yeah! Okay! Well enjoy! Sorry for the wait!

Harrys pov..

Louis and I pack up everything and push it in the car. The whole time we are laughing and smiling! I'm just so happy right now! Literally! My whole body is filled with joy! I have a ring on my finger! It's the greatest feeling ever! Louis drives.

"So Harry! How are we going to tell the boys?" He asks.

"Well I could like stick my hand out and tell them something about my hand or something like that. I'll think about it but right now I'm just so happy!" I scream! He laughs!

"I am to baby! It's so exciting!" We sing the rest of the way there. A new tour will be coming up soon! It's called the Take Me Home tour! (Hehe!) The boys and I are so excited! We get to see our fans again! They helped us get here where we are now. We pull into the driveway and I pop out of the car. When I get in Zayn is in the kitchen. Drinking a glass of water.

"Hey mate! How was the picnic?!" He asks.

"Oh great! It was very romantic!" I say. Louis smiles and nods! Liam, Niall and Olivia come in at that moment.

"Hey guys!" Olivia says. I wave.

"But I did hurt my hand!" I say as I wink at Louis. He winks back.

"Really? Let me see?" Olivia says. I give her my hand. She looks at it then gasps.

"Oh my god Harry! Really?" She asks all smiley! Liam Niall and Zayn all rush over to me. They all gasp just IKR Olivia. I smile.

"Harry! Oh my god I'm so happy for you! Louis you did great!" Zayn congratulates us! Liam smiles at us and grabs Olivia.

"Olivia? Will you go out with me?" He asks.

"Yes! Oh Liam thank you! Love you!" She says kissing him! Oh Liam! Niall pats my shoulder.


"I'm so happy for you Harry! Give me a hug!" He says. I do and almost start crying again.

"Thank you Niall! So much!" I say. He nods and lets go. My fiancé grabs my hand and leads me up the steps. I giggle. What are we doing now?


Again! Very short and boring! Well please enjoy this story and vote comment follow! Thanks! Love y'all! I'll be updating in an hour or two! Bye!

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