What Love Really Is

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I'm in Florida peeps! Comment me if you live in Florida! I practically live here. I come here every summer for like a month! Okay well enjoy! And kik me at ima_crazy_weirdo! My name is Abby Eaton! Thanks peeps! Enjoy this chapter!

Harry's pov..

I wake up to feel big muscular arms wrapped around my cold body. I snuggle closer into his body. He moves closer into me too. There is no way we could be any closer. Then I see his bright blue eyes open.

"Hey baby!" He sighs. I smile at his morning voice. It's so hot!!

"Morning Sexy!" I say back. He chuckles and kisses me. He rolls over on top of me.

"We should leave here soon! You mom is coming over this morning to keep and eye on Stephanie for the 3 days were gone. I love you soo much Haz!" He says kissing me again. I smile into the kiss!

"Daddies?" Louis jumps off of me.

"Steph! What do you want baby girl?" Louis asks. I chuckle and sit up.

"Where are you guys going?" She asks in an innocent voice. Louis grabs her and hugs her.

"We are going on a little trip for 3 days. Guess who's watching over you?" He asks as her face lights up.


"Grandma!" Stephanie screams!

"YYYAAHH!!" I laugh! She loves my mum. Plain loves her.

"I will miss you though!" She says wrapping her arms around Louis' neck. Louis hugs her and kisses her cheek.

"When we get back we will be taking us on our 1D tour of 2013! You will love it!!" He squeals. Her face is a bundle of joy!

"Yeah! I will miss you though!" She says hugging tighter!

"We will miss you more!" I say getting up and kissing her forehead. She smiles and gets down from Louis' arms. The doorbell rings. Stephanie opens the door and runs down stairs. Louis looks at me and smiles. I put on some sweats and go downstairs. Stephanie has already opened the door. But it's not my mum. It's a random guy. I rush over and block her view.

"Um who are you?" I ask. He looks up at me. I quirk an eyebrow.

"Hello I'm telling your daughter that I want her. She's mine! Mine!" He pulls out a knife. My face goes into anger.

"Stephanie go upstairs with daddy! Go please!" I say. She looks at me with a scared look. The guy cuts me on my arm.

"What the hell? Stop! Get away from here!" I slam the door while holding my arm. It's bleeding badly. I hear rushing footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Harry? Baby?" I hear Louis ask. He walks in and gasps.

"Haz what happened?" He asks running over to me. There's another knock on the door. I look up to Louis. He goes over and looks out the window. He sighs in relief.

"Your mom!" He opens the door and she comes in.

"Hey hu......! Oh my god what happened?" She runs over to me. I put my arm out so she can see. I wince as she touches it.

"A guy came up to our door and said he wanted Stephanie. I took over and he cut me. I don't know who it was!" I say a bit confused. Louis grabs me and takes me upstairs. He kicks open the door and Stephanie is sitting on the bed.

"Grandma here yet?" She asks excitedly. Louis nods! She jumps up and runs downstairs. Louis grabs some bandage and puts it around my arm.

"Harry, you could have gotten badly hurt baby. I was scared!" He says while packing outfits. The regular for him and me. I sigh and lay down.

"I know I just was trying to protect Stephanie!" I say. He nods.

"I get your point!" I get up and help him pack. After we're done packing I kiss him.

"I can't wait till we get there!" I say. He moans in response. We carry out stuff downstairs.

"We are going to head out mum! Love you!" I hug her.

"Be carful you two! Love you both!" After I hug my mum I hug Stephanie in a long squeeze.

"Love you baby girl! See you soon! Have fun with Mamaw!" I whisper. She smiles.

"Will do!" She hugs Louis and kisses his cheek.

"Niall is in the guest bedroom! Be cautious he was drunk!" Louis laughs as we wave goodbye. When we get in the car I close my eyes. I must be going to paradise! Louis taps my thigh.

"Baby, were here!" I open my eyes and look around. We're on a beach in the middle of a private area. I must have slept the whole way through. Wow!

"Where are we?" I ask.

"I rented a private beach! It's at least 20 miles away from anything! It's wonderful inside!" He says. I smile at him and jump out. Louis gets behind the car and opens the back. I get my bag he gets his. We carry them in and lay them on the bed. I immediately feel his lips on mine. I moan in pleasure. I get pushed up against the wall and he touches my bum. He squeezes gently. His hands are like mine. Huge.

"I want to make love to you Harry. I want to do it nice and slow, sweet and soft, kind and nice! Will you let me?" He asks. A tear comes out of my eye.

"Of course Lou!" He kisses me again and takes me over to the bed. He lays me down and straddles me. This position is my favorite! His lips are softly pressing down on mine.

"Beautiful, Wonderful, Pretty, Amazing, Lovely, I love you!" He whispers in my ear. I smile at the kind words. Louis pulls off my shirt then reaches down for my pants. He helps me get them undone and all we both have on is boxers. He slides down my stomach to my chest, his erection rubbing against mine. I close my eyes and let out a deep moan. Louis' lips press to the smooth skin of my abs and I groan louder.

"Oh Louis!" He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. Shivers run up and down my whole body. He kisses my belly button. His hands pull down the band of my boxers. He slowly slides them off and looks me up and down. I smirk at him. He grabs my erection and starts slowly pumping. I moan at the comfort he's given me. He kisses me as I moan in pleasure.

"I love you baby." He whispers in my ear.

"Love you too!" I say back as I start to pre cum. He puts me in his mouth and starts bobbing. The pre cum is licked off my tip and inside Louis' mouth. He starts taking off his clothes and throwing them to the ground. I stare at his toned stomach. Damn abs. Once he's completely naked he grabs me. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs swing around his waist. He positions himself at my hole.

"Slow and sweet. Tell me if you want to stop." He whispers. I close my eyes and grab his neck. He nods and lowers me. He grabs my thighs and I go slowly in. A long moan comes out of my mouth. Our lips brush together in a tickly feeling. He starts to make me jump and want more. But he wants to go slow and sweet. I accept this and groan out with every slap of our skin.

"It's okay baby. I love you and don't forget that. You are to pretty to let go. I love you so much. More than you could ever expect." Tears spring to my eyes. I'm sill moaning but softly happy crying.he kisses my cheek and keeps pumping. I soon get to my climax and release on mine and Louis' chest. The warm liquid also sending Louis over the top. I cums inside me. He lays me on the bed and licks up my cum from my chest. He then lays me in bed and covers me up. He climbs in next to me and pulls me close.

"Harry, I'm happy with you and always will be, I love you so much, you are my world, the reason I live too today. Thank you!" He says. A stray tear comes out.

"No thank you!" I say and kiss him. We snuggle and kiss al might until we both drift off holding each other. The love is in the air while we sleep.


AWWW!!! OMG so cute! Okay well love y'all! I'll be updating soon! Thanks!

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