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Okay so this is going to be a little of a surprise to some of you. But Louis and Harry will still be together! I'm not changing that! Just read this chapter and know that Louis and Harry will not be breaking up!

Harry's pov..

I find Niall hiding in his room.

"Niall?" I ask. He sniffs.

"Yes? Come in!" He coughs. I open the door and go over to sit next to him on his bed.

"Hey! I'm sorry about all that I said! Really! I feel really bad! My mouth says what it wants and does what it wants! I'm so sorry though! It's all my fault! I was a tad bit annoyed." I say.

"I forgive you but that's not what I'm all sad about." I look at him confused.

"What do you mean Niall?"

"Well over the few years I have been with you I have become more gay. Especially spending time with you boys! It's changed me a lot. And Harry I know you and Louis are together but I have feelings for you! It's hard on me Haz! Really hard." He starts crying again. I grab him and pull him close as he cries into my chest. His sniffing is heavy.

"Niall! It's okay! I promise everything is going to be okay." He looks me in the eye.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. My jaw drops slightly. Well I guess one wont be to bad.

"Sure!" I say. Niall takes a feel breath and leans in. Our lips meet. His are soft and smooth. I touch his hair. He moans. We let go.

"Thank you so much Harry! You are the best! I love you Harry!" He says hugging me as the tears of joy rush out. I hug him back and almost start crying to. Niall is sweet and innocent.

"Your welcome! And thank you for changing my life!" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He blushes and rises off the bed.

"Now lets go to the party!" He says opening the door and waving me out. I smile and follow him! Louis spots me and waves me over.

"Hey babe!" I say kissing him.

"Hey! This is my dad! Have you guys met?" He asks. Huh let's see?

"I don't think so. It's nice to meet you Mr. Tomlinson!" I say shaking his hand. He nods!

"Yes! I'm happy for you guys! You guys are a very good couple! Happy birthday Harry! 19 is that right?"

"Yes!" I cheer! Louis chuckles! Louis knows that I'm sick of being a teen still. My glance goes over to my mom who looks to be talking peacefully with Niall.

"Hey Lou! Look!" I point over there and he smiles!

"Aw! Niall is such a talker and a great person to get to know!" Louis says I smile and nod! He is an amazing person! Talented and gifted! Then my glance follows to Liam's. he's talking to Olivia! Once I look at them they look pretty cute together! Then I look at Zayn. He's talking to my stepdad! Man! These boys are great with the first impressions! Louis has talked to everyone at least once in this room! Louis is a chatter box! My little chatter box! He grabs my waist.

"I'm sorry about this morning! I was trying to hide this! I love you baby! Happy 19th birthday Harry!" He says in my ear.

"Aw thanks Lou! I love you too!" I say.

"Present time!" Louis then screams. I start to laugh! Well here we go! There's only like 7 presents. Which is fine with me! Nothing wrong with that! I open the first one. It's a shirt that says 19.......still?! I giggle at it. Everyone laughs.

"Louis!?" I say. He looks away. They all laugh. The next is a iTunes gift card!

"Yes! This is exactly what I wanted!" I scream. Next a shirt. Then, a shirt. Then, a new iPad mini. Then a cup with 1D on it. Then a card. It has money in it. From my mom. She is the best!

"Spend that money wisely!" She says as I kiss her cheek! We all go in to eat cake. The cake is vanilla with chocolate icing. My favorite! Of course Louis cuts a piece off for me and smashes it in my face.

"LOUIS!" I scream! It's all over. Oh Louis. We turn up the music loud and make a dance floor. I dance with my mom and Louis! Louis the most! Gangnam style comes on and we get in a line!

"I freaking love this song!" I shout over the music. The doorbell rings. I turn down the music. When I open the door it's a policeman.

"Um, complaints?" He says.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I'll turn it down!" I say.

"If I get anymore I'll take you in!" He says. I get back in there and everyone is watching me. I feel weird. Then people start to leave. Right then. One by one!

"Great party! I gave Liam my number! Make sure he calls me!" Olivia says. I chuckle!

"Will do! Bye Liv! See yah!"

"Bye Harry! Happy birthday!" Once everyone's gone I lay on the couch cuddled up to Louis!

"Great birthday!" I say. Louis kisses my forehead.

"I know!" He says. Soon we both fall asleep on the couch laying together.

Why? Because i love you so much! (Larry spanking fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now