Wake up!!

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This one should clear everything up! Thanks guys for reading and voting! I appreciate it all!

Harry's pov..

My eyes open to a bright light. I jump up quickly.

"LOUIS?!" I cry.

"Whoa, steady baby. Lay back down. Sh, it's okay baby. Shh. Lay back down. Come on." I'm crying automatically. Louis is there wrapping his arms around me. I'm in a hospital.

"What happened?" I ask. Louis looks like he's been crying.

"You blacked out." He whispers. I put my head into his chest. I'm shaking uncontrollably.

"Baby, that dream was horrible. I would never do that. I love you so much. So so much. Never forget that Harry. All of us do."

"Wait how do you know that I was dreaming about you guys?" I ask. He sniffs.

"You were screaming our names and told us all about it." He says. I kiss him. I missed him so much.

"I'm so sorry Lou!" I say. He kisses back. I touch his hair. The boys run into the room.

"HARRY!" They all scream. I laugh through all the tears. They jump on me and hug me. Liam even kisses my cheek.

"We are all glad your okay!" Niall sighs in relief. I nod.

"My head still hurts a bit." I say rubbing it.

"Hey mate. We're sorry about treating you so rough. That same girl kissed Zayn yesterday." Liam says shrugging.

"It was disgusting!" Zayn whines. I chuckle. They all smile and sit on my bed!

"Harry. We all heard your dream. All I want you to know is that we love you and always will. That will never change. I don't like to see you, in that case, any of you in pain. We are here for you if you want to talk, okay?" Liam says kindly patting my leg. I smile widely at him!

"Thank you so much, Li!" We hug. It's a manly hug but we just, hug. It's nice doing that once in a while! Niall and Zayn also hug me. I feel loved. Then I remember.

"Lou? Why is the wedding cancelled?" I ask. He gulps.

"Haz, Simon called. We have to leave for our tour tomorrow and it's up to us. Our career or future." What kinda question is that? I almost start crying again. If it has to be done, then it has to be done!


What has to be done? Hehe! Jk! Well hope you liked it and hoped it cleared everything up! Thanks guys! I'll be updating soon! Love y'all! And yes the last chapter was a dream. For the people that didn't know. Thanks!

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