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Well this one has some sex in it of course. But you have been warned! Enjoy!

Harry wakes up on the couch. He looks around to try to find Louis. Then he hears the shower. He gets up and stretches. Louis won't be out for awhile. He always takes long showers. Harry grabs his laptop. Okay he is 18 turning 19 here in like a few days but still likes porn. I mean who wouldn't like porn? He looks up the web site that he always goes on. It's friday, the day the new pictures and videos come up. Only thing Louis hates porn. He doesn't let Harry watch it. But Louis doesn't know Harry watches it yet. Harry moans when he sees the pictures. It also gets him turned on which has Louis happy. Harry just scrolls through the pictures.

Meanwhile, Louis is just getting out of the shower. He noticed that his phone was going to die. So he got out early and went downstairs to get the cord. He strangely heard a moan. It sounded like Harry. He walks into the kitchen to collect the cord. He decided to check on Harry. When he walks into where Harry is sitting and gasps. "Baby?!" Louis screams. Harry jumps and closes the laptop. He falls.

"L-Louis I'm s-sorry." He groans after the fall. Louis just shakes his head. Harry slowly gets up. Louis is angry. "Strip!" Louis says before leaving back into the kitchen. Harry does what his boyfriend says. Harry is a little scared. He doesn't know what Louis is getting. He knows he's getting spanked but wit what? Louis walks in with a wooden spoon.

"Louis! Not bare with a wooden spoon! P-please?!" Harry whimpers. Louis just motions for Harry to bend over the couch. Harry whimpers as he does. Louis pats Harry's back. "It's okay just 30!" He says. Louis is trying to hold the anger but he really isnt. His voice is annoyed. He bring the spoon down on Harry's bum. He yelps as his breath catches in his throat. Louis does it again trying to get a pace. Harry whimpers and begs.

"Please Lou. I'm sorry! Just please stop!" He yells. Louis is in just as much pain as his boyfriend. It hurts him to see Harry like this. After 25 Harry's knees are about to buckle. He hiccups. His throat is burning from the pain. Louis does the last five quickly and scoops his boyfriend up in his arms. Harry snuggles his head into his boyfriends neck. Louis throws the spoon down. Harry cries out. "Baby it's okay! I'm here! You know why I did it though. I know you know." Louis calms his boyfriend. Harry tries to speak. "I-I-I-I'm..." His voice cracks and it hurts. Louis shushs him. His throat hurts badly. "I'm s-s-sorry that I disobeyed you." Harry hiccups. Louis kisses Harry's forehead.

"I know baby. I know that you are. I'm sorry too. I never want to spank you but sometimes it has to be done. I love you baby. I want you to know that. You are my everything Harry." Louis whispers in his ear. Harry finally calms down. "Can you carry me to bed Louis? My bum hurts a lot. I can't walk." Harry whimpers. Louis nods. "Of course Harry." He carries him to bed. "Can you rub soothing cream on my bum?" He asks Louis. "Well yes you can love!" Louis gets it out and starts rubbing it on Harry's bum and thighs. Harry's sighs become little gasps. Then he's moaning. Harry thinks it feels good and turns him on. He looks to Louis.

"I need you now!" He says. Louis just kinda stares at him confused. Harry gets up and takes off Louis' pants and shirt. Then he takes off his shirt. Louis starts to touch Harry's abs. Harry moans. Louis rolls Harry's over so he's on the bed and on his stomach. "Ready?" Louis asks positioning himself at Harry's entrance. Harry nods. Louis pushes in. Harry moans out in joy. "Oh yeah Louis! Just like that! Ugh!" Harry moans. Louis is going at a steady pace. Soon Louis and Harry are moaning each others names. Harry then comes without warning on his stomach. It's warm. Louis then comes inside Harry. Harry moans out. They lay there in relief. Then Louis grabs his boyfriend and scoots them back under the covers. They lay there wrapped up in each others arms.

"Goodnight love!" Louis sighs. He kisses Harry's nose.

"Night Lou! Love you!"

"Love you to Haz!"

Well I would like to say thanks for reading! I will be updating! Thanks again!

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