Where Do Babies Come From?

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Some of this chapter is dedicated to @1D_angel14 for giving me such a great idea! Thanks!

Harry's pov..

Liam Jr is so adorable! His little dimples are the best! He has light brown eyes and I perfect little mouth! I can feel us bump into some clouds. I sit Stephanie on a chair and buckle her up so that she can still see a little bit. Before I leave Stephanie taps my shoulder.

"Huh?" I ask. She smiles!

"Where do babies come from?" I turn around and face her.

"What?" I ask a little concerned.

"I asked where babies came from!" She says again. Oh no! She can't be asking this question yet! Uh, what do I say.

"Louis?" I ask. He runs over.

"Hey guys! What's going on!" He asks. I look at Stephanie.

"Ask daddy L what you asked me!" She giggles!

"Where do babies come from?!" I look at Lou's face. He's.....smiling?

"That's an easy one! First off you have to be married! Then you make a list of what you want your child to be like! Smart, pretty, outgoing! Then you tie that list to a balloon! Once the balloon has reached the clouds these tiny cloud people read the list. They try their hardest to make you perfect baby. And once their done, they deliver the baby in the moms stomach. That way she can feel and nurse her baby inside. Then like you hears the mums have to deliver the babies! And they just pop out! It's a bit painful though!" I start laughing. Stephanie looks lost.

"That's so......COOL! DID YOU MAKE A LIST FOR ME?" She asks all excited! Louis chuckles.

"Of course we did sweetheart! Why wouldn't we?" He says! That is the most weirdest story I have ever heard! I grab Louis' hand and pulls him aside.

"That was amazing babe! I would've never been able to pull that off!" I say. He laughs and kisses me.

"Your welcome!" When we go back to Stephanie she's asleep. I kiss her forehead and lay a blanket on her. Liam walks in with tears running down his cheeks.

"Aw, mate!" I say going over to hug him. He starts happy crying into my shoulder.

"I'm just so proud!" He whispers. I nod.

"Yeah! I'm proud of you guys too! That baby is so handsome!" I didn't want to say cute because its a boy. I thought handsome was better!

"Thanks for your guys support! Olivia wants to see you!" I let go and head into the room.

"Hey Liv!" She's also crying. I run over and give her a hug! She looks right into my eyes.

"Thank you!" I nod.

"I'm proud of you Olivia! Liam Jr couldn't be any more wonderful!" I say. I don't even know if that made sense. But right now I'm happy! And that's all that matters. Zayn walks in.

"Uh, Harry? Stephanie just asked me how mini people on the cloud go up there. I told her there weren't any people on the cloud and now she's crying." I let go and rush to Stephanie.

"What's wrong Steph?" I ask. She looks up.

"You guys lied to me! Uncle Zayn told me there weren't anything called cloud people!" She says. I think a minute as Louis walks in.

"That's why their not cloud people their sky friends! They are your friends! Not just people! Friends!" Zayn bends down.

"Yeah! They are wonderful people! Sorry that I made you cry! Forgive me?" He asks. She sniffs and nods!

"I forgive you uncle Zayn!" She gives him a big hug!

"Love you!" He says!

"Love you to!" I smile! Louis walks over to wear we are.

"Who's hungry?" Niall walks in moaning!

"When are we eating? I'm STARVING!" He groans. I laugh!

"When are you not Starving?" Zayn asks. We all laugh! I hear Louis sigh and walk back into the room where the comfy couches are. I frown and follow him.

"What's wrong babe?" He looks up with tears threatening to spill. I grab him and pull him into my lap. It's my run now to be the protective boyfriend!

"I- I just can't get over my mum. She was my childhood! Everything Harry! Why does this tuff always happen to me?" He says starting to slightly cry. I kiss his forehead.

"Things like this happen for a reason! I don't know why but they do. I want you to know that I love you and whenever you want to cuddle I'm here! It's okay Lou!" I hug him tighter.the plane jerks a bit.he groans.

"Thanks Harry! I love you too! Sorry that I'm being such a pain!" I whip him around.

"Don't ever say your being a pain! You are my everything and my world! You are never a pain!" I kiss him fully on the lips. He kisses back with love. I stand up and pull him with me.

"Ready to eat?" He nods! I laugh and we both go into the room where everyone is sitting and eating. We grab out food and talk about random things! I love this family!


Soo... Sorry it took so long to update! But thanks! Update soon! Love y'all!

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