Why Me?

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Harry's POV...

"Oh god..." I cover my mouth at the sight I see before my eyes.

Then I mentally slap myself.

Niall is uh.....mating with uh....Abby!

"Niall James Horan!!" Louis screams. He jumps making Abby squeal out.

Eleanor back's up and out of the room. I watch her as she almost gags. This is basically all my fault.

"Louis...uh - I just....." Niall stutters badly making everything worse. Then Stephanie runs in calling my name and laughing.

"Daddy S!!" She comes in and immediately, her eyes fall on Niall. Louis picks her up and hands her to me.

"Take her and Eleanor to our room." I nod. Eleanor looks up at me. I pat her shoulder telling her to come with me.

"Well get some fucking clothes on!" I hear Louis yell from inside the closed f room. Stephanie looks at me and smiles.

"Daddy? I want McDonalds. Uncle Zayn said he's going to bring some home for me!" I fake a smile and pat her head.

"I'm sure he is. Now go and play with your barbies?" I let her down gently. She giggles with pride and runs off.

"Harry?" I hear a girl ask. I turn around and face Eleanor who looks like she just saw a murder scene.

"What's wrong?" I ask stepping a bit closer to her so that I can hear her clearly. She talks a bit quiet.

"My dad raped me..." I sigh and run my hands through my hair. This time I really screwed up.

"And that brought back memories?" I ask. She nods trying not to cry.

Why was I so stupid? I told Abby to ask him out or kiss him. Not make love with him. Jesus.

"I'm sorry Eleanor. You wanna sit down?" I ask calmly as if not to scare her anymore.

Instead of answering she walks over to the bed and sits down taking deep heavy breaths. I sit down next to her.

"You okay?" My voice is low. I don't want Stephanie to hear.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just a bit shocked that's all." I nod and lay back closing my eyes.

Could it be my fault or did Niall decide he'd had enough and raped her? Oh my god what am I talking about? He would never do that.

Especially to one of Louis' friends.

Oh Louis. He's going to be so pissed. Niall should have kept to himself like he usually does.

I jump up after hearing a piercing scream and a door slam. Eleanor looks up and quirks an eyebrow.

"I'll be right back." I say. The door I open creaks badly as I open it. I peek out and see a crying Louis. His hands wrapped around his face, his head hung low.

"Lou?" I question. He looks up and there's worry in his eyes. I close the door behind me and go up to him.

"Hey what happened?" I ask. I hear crying on the other side of the door also.

"Hey guys what's... Louis?" I turn around and come face to face with Zayn. He has McDonalds in his hands.

"What's going on?" Zayn asks clearly worried. My voice cracks as I start speaking.

"Um Niall was having....or making love with Abby when we walked in." His mouth drops completely to the floor. His eyes widen.

"Oh my fucking god! Why the hell?" He rubs his temples in distress. He hands me the McDonalds.

"I got some for Stephanie. Is Niall in here?" He points to the door Louis just came out of.

"Yeah...." Louis croaks out. I grab his arm and pull him into our room. He follows and closes the door after watching Zayn go in.

"Is that my McDonalds?" Steph jumps up and runs over to me. I nod.

"Go over to that little table and don't make a mess." She nods and grabs the food.

It's time to tell Louis the truth.

"Louis...." I start but he stops me.

"I know that it's your fault Harry. Abby told me what you told her. She took that as and inspiration. The first started out kissing and then did the other stuff." I hear Eleanor swallow when she heard what Louis says.

"So your not mad?" My face turns into a grin but quickly subsides.

"Of course I'm mad. More like furious. But I'm to heartbroken to do anything or let off any steam right now." His words go right to me chest and stab me right where it hurts.

'To heartbroken.' Those words right there.

"Boo....." Louis holds up his hand.

"Don't even try." He gets up and walks out the door. He bumps into someone but I can't see who yet. The door opens and in comes Perrie.

Oh great! Just what we need. Another person to add to the family!

"What's the matter with grumpy pants?" She snorts walking in. I smile at the name but then frown.

"Long story." I wave my hand. She looks at Eleanor and waves.

"Hi I'm Perrie!" Then she quickly sits down.

"I've got time Harry! Tell me everything!" Her eyes light up. I sigh and close my eyes once more.

Here it goes..... Again.


ELLO! Oh Lordy Jesus this is going to take a while Perrie.....

Anyways, Who's EXCITED that Perries here? I certainly am! And how 'bout that Dani action for yah? I miss her so much! I swear Liam and Danielle were the cutest couple ever! AHHH!!!! Whyyy?

Comment which couple you like best! And Abby and Niall? Oh my god!! Nialls being naughty!

I feel like Eleanor is just going to be that awkward third wheel this whole book. Lol!

And plz, no hate peeps. I LOVE Louis and Eleanor as a couple! Trust me! It's just Larry Stylinson is something I kinda believe in. See that "Kinda" Up there? Yeah means that I can't say exactly I believe in more!

Well, see y'all later. Love you!

P.S Sorry for the short Chap! Nor much time right now!

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