The Rules

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Harry's pov..
Stephanie sits in the back while humming You Are My Sunshine! She is the most cutest thing I have ever seen! Louis drives and starts singing!
"You are my sunshine! My only sunshine! You make me happy when skies are gray! You'll never know dear how much I love you! Please don't take my sunshine away!" Louis perfectly sings.
"That was really good daddy L!" Stephanie laughs.
"Well thank you very much Steph! Your not bad yourself!" He chuckles. She does a little giggle and looks at me.
"Thank you guys for adopting me! I wove you very much!" She says. I smile and kiss her forehead.
"I love you too baby girl!" I say. She blushes. We pull into the driveway. I get out and pull Stephanie out of her car chair. What ever their called. I sit her down when we get inside. She looks around, completely awed!
"This is a big house!" She says. I laugh.
"Yes it is! And there's a few rules!" She looks at me with sad eyes. I pick her up and put her I the couch as se giggles. Louis comes in.
"Okay! Now lets go over the rules!" He says. Stephanie sits there like a good girl.
"First off, don't go outside when we are not watching you. I would hate to see anything happen to you. Second of all don't talk to strangers! Third, don't have attitude like Daddy H over here!" He points and winks. She giggles.
"Hey! That's not funny!" I playfully smack his arm. She laughs some more.
"Fourth, ask before you get into anything. And fifth, god there's a lot of rules, if you do anything to upset me or Harry you will get a spanking. Got it?" Louis says sternly. She gulps and nods. I feel bad but she needs to know.
"I promise I'll be good!" She says hugging us both. Yeah right. Lets wait for her teen years to come then we'll decide on that!
"And sixth, have fun!" Louis says. She gets up and runs her tummy.
"I'm hungry!" She moans. Louis laughs and picks her up.
"Mac- n-cheese alright?" He asks. She nods very quickly. We all go into the kitchen. When we get in there Liam is standing there with an obviously pregnant Olivia. Her stomach is so...big!
"Oh my gosh! Who is this?" Olivia squeals. Stephanie laughs and touches Olivia.
"My name Stephanie!" She says very sweetly and happily. Olivia smiles at me.
"Aw! You guys did great! She's so adorable!" Liam walks over!
"Hello sweetheart! I'm Liam! But you can call me uncle Liam!" He says proudly!
"Hi uncle Liam! I'm Stephanie!" Louis sits her in a chair. Since she is 5 we thought she could just sit at the table.
"Okay! I'll be back guys! I have to go make a piss!" Olivia says. Louis snorts.
"Excuse me? Not around the little ears!" Louis says. Olivia covers her mouth.
"Sorry!" Oh this is going to be fun!
I'll be updating real soon! Enjoy!

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