Touring In America

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Okay here's the next chapter!

Harry's POV...

The morning light shines brightly though the hotel windows when I wake. Louis stirs next to me. A smirk appears on my lips. His hand intertwines our.

"What time is it?" He asks. I lean over to the clock. It reads 9:35.

"9:35." I say. He lets out a loud long groan. I turn over and press my lips to his.

"Hey, it's fine babe. We can sleep at least for a little longer." He nods.

"Yeah I guess your right." He smiles and rolls over on top of me. He kisses my lips softly. I close my eyes trying to enjoy it. Then the door opens.

"What the hell?" I ask as Louis quickly rolls off of me. It's Stephanie. She stands there with a sad look. I get out of bed in my boxers and grab her.

"I'm sorry. Come on in sweety." I then remember her getting hurt and feel bad. We feel asleep without checking on her. God I'm such a bad parent!! I notice a bright pink cast wrapped tightly around her arm.

"There's our little super star! Come here!" She smiles and jumps into Louis' arms. He squeezes tightly. I feel really bad right now. How could we forget about her? I'm just so messed up right now.

"Do you like the color I picked out?" She asks quietly. Louis looks at me with sad eyes. I guess he noticed what we did. I close my eyes and shake my head.

"It's beautiful Steph! I'm sorry we couldn't be there......" He looks into my eyes for more words. I just look away.

"Oh it's fine! Liam told me that you guys were busy at the moment. It only took about 3 hours. I couldn't feel anything. Abby then took me out for ice cream. She told me a lot about you and your friendship!" Stephanie laughs! I can sense the hurt in her voice though. I get up not knowing how to control my emotions.

"UGGH! Stephanie I'm soo sorry!" I slam my fist hard against the wall. It brakes through. I stare at it. Why the fuck did I do that? Stephanie hides in Louis' chest. I try to speak but nothing comes out. A tear slips out of my eye. I'm a monster. Oh my god I'm a monster There's knocking on the horse side. Louis picks up Stephanie and keeps her close. He walks slowly to the door. What is happening to me? I feel weird. The tears keep coming. I feel the pain in my wrist. Abby and Niall rush in. Niall stares in shock. I hear a whimper come from Stephanie's mouth.

"Harry did you do this?" Niall asks. I nod.

"I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too." I whimper out.

"It's okay just sit down Harry." Louis says sweetly coming in empty handed. I look at him confused.

"Where's Stephanie?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it. She's fine." Louis says. Abby sits next to me.

"Harry are you feeling okay?" She asks touching my forehead. I shake my head.

"Not really. My stomach really hurts........" It all comes up. I try to get to the bathroom holding my belly but it just happens on the bathroom floor. Louis runs in rubbing my back. I'm a bit embarrassed but can't take it. After everything is out I fall back into Louis' arms. Louis picks me up like I weigh nothing and lays me gently on the bed. He kisses my forehead.

"Go to sleep." He whispers. I close my eyes thinking about everything that has happened so far. This is going to be one hell of a tour.

Niall's POV..

Abby and I head back into the room we share. Yes, I told Abby not to pay for an extra room when I have an empty bed in my room. She took the offer and slept in my room. I was tempted to ask her if she was cold and wanted to cuddle but I thought that was too much.

"Wow. Harry has never done that before." I sigh sitting down on the couch.

"Harry doesn't seem like a person to do that. I'm surprised he even threw up." I nod my head. Everything is silent. She sits up looking straight into my eyes.

"Do you ever feel lonely?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows but nod.

"Yeah. All the time. Why?" I ask. He eyes sparkle with sadness. A tear falls out of her eye. Now I act quickly and sit up.

"Abbs? You okay babe?" I ask. She just breaks down crying on the bed. I stand up and grab her. She cries into my chest loudly. I brush her hair out of her face.

"Why Niall, do there have to be people like us? Who can't even tell each other we love you." I look at her in shock.

" love" I ask stuttering. She giggles.

"Well no but I mean the person we do love. We can't tell them." My heart falls to my stomach. Ouch. That hurt. She kisses my cheek lightly, stands up and leaves with out another word. Now I'm broken. That was a hard thing to take. But she's right. Why can't I tell her I love her? I wonder how she would respond. But I can't right now. Not at this moment no. I lay back trying not to cry. A big sigh comes out of my mouth. Jesus this is painful. Being heartbroken is harder than I thought.


Okay well comment, vote, and fan! Love y'all! And sorry this chapter was so depressing. The next one should be funny! Thanks!

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