Adventurous Day

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Harry's pov..

I wake up to have a extremely hurtful headache. I touch my head and groan loudly as I get up. I feel like throwing up! I gently rub my head on the temple.

"Ugh what happened last night?" I ask to no one in particular even though Louis is laying right next to me. He stirs. I grab his hand. His eyes shoot open!

"Hello Lou!" I croak out. His smile fades into a angry look. I stare at him confused.

"Harry you get 55 today and then you get to pick out what to do today! I still owe you for the whole Olivia thing." He says. I scratch my head.

"Lou I'm sorry about last night I was just..."

"Just stop okay? You are getting spanked and there's no stopping me kay?" Louis asks. I nod. I sigh and get up to go to the bathroom. When I he there I notice I have a love bite. Oh god. Niall. He kissed me last night. Shit! Hopeful....

"HAROLD! IN HERE NOW!" He screams. To late. He's already found out. I hunch over and go to the bedroom again.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Why are you kissing Niall in this pic?" He asks. I shrug.

"I was drunk Lou! I didn't know what I was doing! I forgot about everything. Sorry!" I shrug. He stands up.

"Over the bed now." He stands his ground. I sigh.

"Not now. Please!" I say. He shakes his head no.

"Now Harry!" He says. I sigh and do what he says. My hands grab the blankets. He pulls down my pants. He slaps my bare bum without warning. And electric current goes through my whole body. I scream out in pain. I feel like I'm getting electrocuted. His hand comes down on my sitting spot. I yelp.

"Harry you know not to have other boys kiss you while your drunk! Please Harry! You know better!" We are only at 30. I grab a pillow and shove my face into it. He slaps my two sides. It hurts badly. After 55 he scoops me up. I take it. I'm crying and can barely breath. Louis cradles me.

"Sh Harry it's okay babe. I promise your going to live!" He says. I laugh! His humor is hilarious! I stand up.

"I need to take a wiz!" I say running to the bathroom. Louis chuckles. I go and get out. I head put to Louis who is dressed.

"So.. Where are we going?" He asks. I think. Oh yeah!

"We are going to a amusement park but the amusement park has a club. We can go there too! What do you think?" I ask.

"Anything you want to do!" I get dressed in skinny jeans and a white shirt with my white converse. Louis slaps my bum.

"Lets go!" He squeals. I jump! We get into the car and I let Louis drive. He drives to the amusement park fast. When we get there we spit the ferris wheel.

"Perfect!" I say. We get on immediately. Louis wraps his arms around me. When we get to the top we stop.

"Louis." I whisper.

"It's okay baby. We are fine!" He reassures me. I smile and hug him tighter. His hands fly to my cheeks. He kisses me on the lips. His lips are soft and sweet. I kiss back. Then we start moving again and I detach. He laughs. After the Ferris wheel we go to the club. When we get in its loud and hot. Girls are grinding on boys. Girls grinding girls. Boys grinding boys. That's all you see. And it's bit dark. Louis pulls me out to dance. When we get out there I start grinding up against Louis. He moans as his erection runs against my ass. I reach back and grab his neck. This girl grinds against me. Louis pushes her off. She finds another guy. After grinding we head home. I'm not even hungry yet. Or thirsty. When we get home I go upstairs and fall asleep immediately.


I actually went to a club here in myrtle beach. It was a teen club of course. Karma? Ever heard of it. Well it's loud, hot and sweaty. But it was fun! Well love you guys! I'll be updating tomorrow!

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